The Story of the First Video Game Cartridge
#fairchild #channelf #history #videogames
Jerry Lawson. El hombre negro que cambió los videojuegos para siempre
Los videojuegos son una industria de casi 170 mil millones de euros. Y si alguna vez has jugado a uno, seguramente no tengas ni idea quién es y lo que l
#EstiloDeVida #ReferentesNegros #Tecnologa #afrodescendientes #Afrofminas #afrofeminismo #Atari #ChannelF #consolas #dispora #HombreNegro #JerryLawson #videojuegos
#estilodevida #referentesnegros #tecnologa #afrodescendientes #afrofminas #afrofeminismo #atari #channelf #consolas #dispora #hombrenegro #jerrylawson #videojuegos
After watching the Gaming Historian's latest video about the Fairchild Channel F, I really want this image on a t-shirt.
#VideoGames / #ChannelF / #Retro / #turkey
Image source:
#turkey #retro #channelf #videogames
If you have recently made a game for an obsolete machine* I’d love for you to let me know! Going forward I’m planning to make monthly videos of new games for old machines.
RAM OK ROM OK’s Retro Indie Game Round Up. Or RORORIGRU for short!
#retrogaming #GameDev #atari #c64 #ZXSpectrum #vectrex #Sega #gameboy #nes #snes #msdos #msx #oric #Amiga #Amstrad #appleII #intellivision #ChannelF
(*also planning to cover stuff for retro-adjacent systems such as Pico-8, Playdate, SpectrumNext too)
#retrogaming #gamedev #atari #c64 #zxspectrum #vectrex #sega #gameboy #nes #snes #msdos #MSX #oric #amiga #amstrad #appleii #intellivision #channelf
Teddy approves of the Channel F controller
#midwestgamingclassic #mgc2023 #channelf #fairchild
#midwestgamingclassic #mgc2023 #channelf #fairchild
As mentioned in Google's doodle today, Jerry Lawson created games in his garage. However, not a lot of people know the full story behind that.
Lawson was always a fun-loving guy. In fact before Fairchild, he made a name for himself in Silicon Valley as a prankster.
Lawson was among a few number of engineers who purchased a minicomputer (which was not mini) to have in his garage, in this case a PDP-8. Several other notable game creators - like Lane Hauck of Gremlin - also did this as their first step into making games.
#videogamehistory #jerrylawson #channelf
I’ve got the ability to load in map data and scroll through slowly. Maybe I can optimize it by skipping tiles that don’t need updating. Also due to the size of the levels, I gotta use the extra 2kb of on-cart ram, can’t just rely on the internal 64 bytes worth of registers. Since the map data only takes up 1kb, I’m practically swimming in extra ram now! #retroGaming #channelF #homebrewGame #gameDev
#retrogaming #channelf #homeBrewGame #gamedev