#ICHG2023 I am here in #CapeTown - Anyone interested in #channelopathies in African populations? By the way, #CF #CysticFibrosis is a #channelopathy:
#channelopathy #cysticfibrosis #cf #Channelopathies #capetown #ICHG2023
RT @_IonMan
Constantly in awe of #raredisease families & communities, fighting day by day to raise awareness & find treatments.
Keep up the good fight @cacna1a
#ionchannels #channelopathy https://twitter.com/cacna1a/status/1626045123581575170
#channelopathy #ionchannels #RareDisease
Table 1, Cluster 28 includes erythomelalgia, 2 pain disorders - genes include SCN9A
#erythromelalgia #scn9a #channelopathy #pain
I am starting to get impatient to see the #IonChannels #IonChannel #Channelopaties #Channelopathy migrating - see you all there very soon!
RT @ProfKalium
Just in case - you can also find me on the 'other site' though I'd rather someone kept the blue bird alive.
#channelopathy #channelopaties #ionchannel #ionchannels