Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1097 followers · 7483 posts · Server mstdn.social

It's been 11 years since I've a ; worked great for me.

The 2-3 times I tried to in the first year, I took one drag and coughed so hard it kinda hurt.

Within 3 days of starting on Chantix, I stopped getting that sweet and got only smoke, which was pointless to me so I stopped a few days before the suggested final cutoff.

For 2-3 years I got occasional cravings, usually when watching movies or tv, and since then they've faded to almost nothing.

#buzz #nicotine #smoke #chantix #cigarette #smoked

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
136 followers · 568 posts · Server pagan.plus

Today's my last day on Chantix. I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep in a day or two. It's been 3 months since the last one.
And no cigarettes since mid-November.

#chantix #NoSmoking

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
72 followers · 180 posts · Server pagan.plus

I rarely remember dreams. I've been on Chantix for two months. This is the first dream I remember. I believe I was formally introduced to the Infinites, the Ogdoad of Hermopolis.

My wife and I were in a Restaurant/Bar or vehicle (no motion detected) with small side rooms on a long hall. We started in a middle room with a north feeling. There was a TV monitor on wall. A cartoon image of Springsteen or Neil Young was on the monitor. I had my leather jacket and billy club. A male stranger came in. He had a threatening manner and I adopted the same. We talked – I don't remember what was said. There was no conflict. He left.

We moved to a north side room at the end of the hall. The man entered again with some others. Male and female all dressed in a not-too-punky street gear. All different ages. One woman looked like a disheveled gangster’s moll with a shabby white fur stole. They adopted threatening attitudes and so did I. The original guy was giving me advice on using my club. I don't remember what it was. I don't know exactly how many there were. Some flashed small knives 1-2 inches long- very sharp. I didn't see any guns but at one point one was carrying an indistinct, oblong object.

The threatening/coaching continued and at one point I stuck my club in the eye socket of the woman with the white stole and her eye started bulging out but her facial expression didn't change. They were standing in the south west corner of the room where they had some objects on a shelf of a bookcase or table. They moved out of the corner and me and my wife moved into it. My back was against the walls of the corner. The threatening continued and I grabbed an object off the shelf- it was an old brass colored zippo lighter. I whipped it on the floor and it broke and the pieces flew. The guy said to me, “Don’t do that we're just here to prevent shoplifting.”

Then it was over.

#Pagan #jung #occult #kemet #chantix #surrealism #dream

Last updated 2 years ago

· @AdamAtSea
517 followers · 24082 posts · Server noagendasocial.com


Last updated 3 years ago

Adam Curry [Texas] · @adam
13829 followers · 10715 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

And there it is.


Last updated 7 years ago