C J Cherryh, #Cyteen. Also the #Chanur books, Serpent's Reach, Downbelow Station, Foreigner, Alliance Rising, Cuckoo's Egg. (All of her Alliance-Union books are in the same universe, just...not obviously so.) Some of her books have been translated and you'll be able to find French-language versions, others have not.
The #Chanur Saga. Things in this sector of space are going reasonably well, six species dominate, four O2 breathers and two/three (if you count the Chi) methane breathers coexist with some stress. At the beginning of the saga House Chanur encounters an alien while docked at a station, ethics trap the familial crew into a situation with rather large implications.
Seriously solid #SciFi here. The books shown capture a five book series and the individual books are much cheaper to buy, just an #fyi
Hey #bookstodon folk - any tips on a good way to get books in languages other than English?
Specifically, I'd like just about anything in #cjcherryh Alliance-Union universe (preference given to #Cyteen and the #Chanur saga) in #Spanish #Español , #Italian #Italiano, and/or #Chinese #中文
#bookstodon #cjcherryh #cyteen #chanur #spanish #espanol #italian #italiano #chinese #中文
@RustyBrooks @SalusaSecondus @bookstodon
Y’all’ve got some good ones including ones I have yet to try.
My additions are all recent reads:
#marthawells for her #murderbot series
#cjcherryh for her #chanur series (just started #downbelowstation)
#philipkdick (working through his ouvre)
I plan to explore #octaviabutler soon
#MarthaWells #murderbot #cjcherryh #chanur #downbelowstation #philipkdick #johnscalzi #jeffvandermeer #octaviabutler
#ScienceFiction #scifi #Chanur #CompactSpace My review of the novel "Chanur's Legacy" by C.J. Cherryh https://english.netmassimo.com/2019/06/03/chanurs-legacy-by-c-j-cherryh
#sciencefiction #scifi #chanur #compactspace