Nothing could prepare me enough to #chaosscon and #fosdem #Fosdem2023 🤓 a dreamland for all about foss and open source 💛
#chaosscon #fosdem #Fosdem2023
Getting started at #Chaosscon this morning with a panel of experts and Dawn is already giving awesome advice!
Wishing everyone a great time at CHAOSScon Europe by Linux Foundation starting today in Brussels, Belgium
#FOSDEM #OFE #OpenForumEurope #CHAOSScon #StateOfOpen #StateOfOpenCon
I hope my #FreeSoftware & #OpenSource friends attending events in Brussels have safe, pleasant, and rewarding journeys. 💙
I also hope they look around & notice those of us who can't attend this year because there's still a massive global pandemic underway; none of these events put even the most basic WHO-recommended health precautions in place. 😷
#COVIDisStillHere #COVID #WearAMask #Ventilate #Vaccinate #KnowYourStatus
#knowyourstatus #vaccinate #ventilate #WearAMask #COVID #covidisstillhere #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #stateofopencon #Stateofopen #chaosscon #openforumeurope #ofe #FOSDEM
Looking forward to a busy week / weekend. #chaosscon tomorrow, #fosdem this weekend, and #SOOCon23 #StateOfOpenCon next week. I hope to see many of you!
#chaosscon #fosdem #soocon23 #stateofopencon
We’ve been in Brussels for 3 hours and we’ve already had delicious Ethiopian food! We also have a pretty nice view from the hotel window 😁 Looking forward to seeing everyone at #chaosscon & #FOSDEM this week / weekend!
Since @fosdem is back on track this year, so do many satellite events. Check out , plan ahead and have a great time in Brussels!
#fosdem #OFFDEM #chaosscon #xmpp #oc3 #cfgmgmtcamp
Invitation to #CHAOSScon Europe 2023
Co-located with #FOSDEM
Brussels, Belgium
February 3, 2023
Learn about #OpenSource project health metrics and tools used by open source projects, communities, and engineering teams to track and analyze their community work. This conference will provide a venue for discussing open source #ProjectHealth, CHAOSS updates, use cases, and hands-on workshops for developers, community managers, project managers, and anyone interested in measuring open source project health. We will also share insights from the CHAOSS working groups on Diversity and Inclusion, Evolution, Risk, OSPO Metrics, Common Metrics, and Metric Models.
#projecthealth #opensource #fosdem #chaosscon
New on // CHAOSScon Europe on 03 February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium
Sad to miss this meeting, but more than happy to see #community growing and getting momentum 🥰
The #chaosscon group 😍 thanks again for coming! And thanks to those who participated virtually!
We had a slight schedule change but are starting back with Lightning Talks, then continuing with the other talks as scheduled. First up talking about scalable ways to measure community health #chaosscon
Responsiveness is a critical metric to keep an eye on. shows us how they try to keep response time below 2 days, and looking at trends to make sure things are on track overall #chaosscon
“Metrics should never be used to punish, just improve” — Dr Dawn Foster #chaosscon
Lucas Gonze talking about privacy, contribution attribution, and the way open source is actively and passively contributing to lack of privacy #chaosscon
Characteristics of an excellent community—people and The Apache Way #chaosscon
Xiaoya explains Reproducible Builds; generating exactly the same binary code allows you to verify the integrity and security of the release. #chaosscon
King Gao is sharing a framework for open source communities — everything is measurable #chaosscon
Some of us (particularly those of us from Nebraska) feel seen in this famous XKCD 😆 #chaosscon #riskinopensource
The Minimum Viable Metrics to look holistically at dependency risk in an open source project from #chaosscon