Un viaje a la memoria con las primeras estrellas mundiales del #cineespañol: #CatalinaBárcena y #ConchitaMontenegro, dos de nuestras #actrices, hoy olvidadas, que triunfaron en el #Hollywood de los #años30 cuando nació el #cine sonoro. Éxito, lujo y encuentros con #Chaplin o #ClarkGable en su periplo americano que revisamos de un vistazo
#cineespanol #catalinabarcena #conchitamontenegro #actrices #hollywood #anos30 #cine #chaplin #clarkgable
Did you ❤️ #CHARLIECHAPLIN´s #movies?
Or #PICASSO´s #art? Imagine they would´ve not survived WW2 because of their #Roma origin.
TODAY is #RomaHolocaust day.
WE AID supports together with AktionSuehnezeichen & WindsOfChange through 👍#BerlinOdessaExpress, an initiative, that ALSO supports roma women & elders.
ANYONE help too:
💛➡️ https://www.WE-AID.org/en/initiatives/berlinodessaexpress/
#yesWEAID #humanitarian #nothilfe #roma #sinti #romaday #art #painting #chaplin #movie #cinema #disasterrelief #nothilfe #emergencyaid #news
#chaplin #News #EmergencyAid #disasterrelief #cinema #movie #Painting #Romaday #sinti #roma #nothilfe #humanitarian #yesweaid #berlinodessaexpress #romaholocaust #Art #Picasso #Movies #CharlieChaplin
だがよく見てみると、従来のものより彩度が異常に強く、新しい方が解像度が高いにも関わらず 服の縫い目が潰れて見えなくなっていたり、ペタペタした皮(レザー)みたいな質感にも見える。ヒトラーの下唇にも少し口紅が塗ってあるような気がしなくもない... https://web.archive.org/web/20230729064414/https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Adolf_Hitler_in_Color.jpg
Josephine #Chaplin died. She sppeared in "Limelight" (2952) and I thought either her sidter Geraldine or Claire Bloom would be the next to go after Norman Lloyd...
Georgia Hale
Bonnie Tyler - " Here She comes " 🎶
#PouetRadio #TootRadio #Mastoradio #Musique #1980s
#botd #birthdaygirl #chaplin #pouetradio #tootradio #mastoradio #musique #1980s
Inizia l'estate... Il 21 giugno del 1915 uscì uno dei primi grandi film "politici" di Charlie Chaplin: Work.
#21giugno #accaddeoggi #charliechaplin #chaplin #charlot #work #cinema #movie #film #filmcommumity
#21giugno #accaddeoggi #charliechaplin #chaplin #charlot #work #cinema #movie #film #filmcommumity
At the time he got it, the titular character in "Chaplin" was a career-defining role for Robert Downey Jr. But getting to step into a legend's shoes for a high-profile biopic, was both thrilling and terrifying.
#RobertDowneyJr #Chaplin #CharlieChaplin #film #90s #1990s #90smovies #1990smovies #movies #movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#robertdowneyjr #chaplin #charliechaplin #film #90s #1990s #90smovies #1990smovies #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
Il 26 maggio del 1893 nasceva Peggy Hopkins Joyce. Chi era? Semplicemente la donna che ispirò il libro e quindi il film Gli uomini preferiscono le bionde e La donna di Parigi di #Chaplin.
#26maggio #AccaddeOggi #gliuominiprefericonolebionde #charliechaplin
#chaplin #26maggio #accaddeoggi #gliuominiprefericonolebionde #charliechaplin
Good morning all. Walkabout over, so back in town. Let's share breakfast.
It's been great to watch the #Chaplin Archive evolve over the last decade and a half. It started from an infant website with just tiny thumbnails and basic meta data. Now it has evolved into a wonderful, publicly accessible website charting the emergence not only of an international megastar, but also the evolution of #cinema in C20.
Guten Morgen,
🌡️ 7°C ☁️, heller als die Tage zuvor und in einigen Ecken gibt es ausgelöstes #Hochwasser
Der 🍵 der #Bahnhofsmission ist heute rot. Es ist viel Zucker drin 😀
Dem #kalenderblatt nach wurde 1919 die Filmgesellschaft "United Artists" gegründet.
Darauf ausgerichtet den Künstlern mehr Spielraum bei den Produktionen zu gewähren wurde aus dem unabhängigen Verleih auch eine Produktionsgesellschaft.
Einer der bekanntesten Gründungsväter war Charlie #Chaplin.
#chaplin #kalenderblatt #Bahnhofsmission #hochwasser
Il 16 aprile del 1889 nasceva Charles Spencer Chaplin, per tutti Charlie. Nient'altro da aggiungere ❤️
#16aprile #AccaddeOggi #CharlieChaplin #chaplin #charlot #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity
#16aprile #accaddeoggi #charliechaplin #chaplin #charlot #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity
Charlie Chaplin was born on 16 April in 1889.
As you may know, he was a complicated person in private, but he gave hope, joy and laughter when humans needed the most.
People's evaluations of him differ, depending on the person, country, etc., but in Japan he is often regarded as the best comedian of all time.
#today #charlie #chaplin #comedian #comedy #japan #movie #actor #cinema
Photo Credit: Cassowary Colorizations via Wikimedia Commons
#today #charlie #chaplin #comedian #comedy #japan #movie #actor #cinema
L'#11aprile 1915 uscì per la prima volta nelle sale The Tramp (Charlot vagabondo, Il vagabondo, Charlot ortolano), film importantissimo nella carriera di #CharlieChaplin.
#AccaddeOggi #chaplin #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#11aprile #charliechaplin #accaddeoggi #chaplin #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmcommunity #filmphoto