How the "Last Living Soviet Video Game Developers" Recruited #ChapoTrapHouse for #DiscoElysium
'Disco Elysium' Was Too Afraid of Sincerity to Be Revolutionary
Disco Elysium and #Copaganda (does some needlessly u.s.-centric contextualizing)
Disco Elysium: Femininity of Gameplay, Masculinity of Character
#PeopleMakeGames Investigation: Who’s Telling the Truth about Disco Elysium? (fucking 2.5 hours long, about the corporate fallout)
#chapotraphouse #DiscoElysium #copaganda #PeopleMakeGames
723 Teaser - Discord Uncle Gap 🅴 #chapoTrapHouse via @PodcastAddict
Them Chapo boys did a big fat L bringing Norm Finkelstein onto the show and made it worse when offering zero push back on his horrendous takes.
Never have I ever heard them feature someone with their head so far up their own ass. Historical context? Throw it out the window. Political and economic motivations? Toss them aside. Imperialism and settler colonialism? Just ignore it fam, it's all a-okay if the colonized get some pseudo democracy. The lense through which Norm attempts to analyze the world is one where he sniffs his own farts first for context.
Last but not least. Russia invades Ukraine because family members of Putin perished during Nazi invasion and it's a 'never again' situation. Seriously, that's his take? What a joke.
One of the better, more meaningful Chapo episodes in a longtime. Glad they made it free, it was originally on the premium feed. If you’re unfamiliar with Chapo, it’s a bit profane and overly broad, but the core points are useful.
Overcast link:
Hosted link:
#chapo #chapotraphouse #podcasts
@johndoepe @markdo @JohnDongle @gwensnyder
Lmao, the first thing I know I got #blocked for. @markdo blocked me for saying #ChapoTrapHouse is bad, and encouraging the person who likes them to read the replies to a thread on #Leftist #antisemitism.
Too perfect.
#blocked #chapotraphouse #leftist #antisemitism
TFW #chapotraphouse talks about Jim’s Apple Barn. And, yes it is the largest candy store in the world to be only open seasonally. #minnesota #candy
#Candy #Minnesota #chapotraphouse
@adam_y I simply must reciprocate because your essay is a gift.
But, the #ChapoTrapHouse #podcast is broadly polarizing, so I’m reluctant to present content. Plus, I’m morally opposed to sharing non-official content (the pod is 50% paywalled).
But, I’ve decided to make rare exceptions.
Here is the non-official link to Chapo 307 “The Inebriated Past: American Conspiracies (4/17/19)” starring #MattChristman, “The Tipsy Professor”:
Official link:
#chapotraphouse #podcast #mattchristman
#podcast #recommendations
Hell of Presidents with Matt Christman and Chris Wade
Very funny #material #leftist #presidential #history podcast by #chriswade and #mattchristman from #chapotraphouse
Its a miniseries and well worth your time. Looking forward to the new #pod from them Hell on Earth.
#podcast #recommendations #material #leftist #presidential #history #chriswade #mattchristman #chapotraphouse #pod
Though I love the Kumbaya of #Mastodon. I sometimes miss the Irreverent, Macabre and Subversive humor of some of the Comedians I followed on the bluebird. Why can't #ChapoTraphouse give masto a try?
Listen to Chapo Trap House “in depth reading series on a Peter Thiel-aligned movement of eugenics, biological optimization, secular Calvinism”, and more dubious effective altruism, all wrapped up in one couple and their plans to put-breed the world”.
#eugenics, #pride, #trans, #biologicaloptimization”, #chapo, #chapotraphouse
#eugenics #pride #trans #biologicaloptimization #chapo #chapotraphouse
I am reminded of a recent episode of the wonderful #chapotraphouse podcast which I support, where Matt asked "Where are they gonna go, Mastodon :pinkquestions: "
Chapo Trap House: 656 - Bug Chasers (8/22/22)
Pagina web episodio:
Even with special #chapotraphouse lens I am unable to decipher what crypto and #nft is about
#Gespräch mit @bertrandterrier
#TedTalk, #Vortragsarten, #OccupyWallstreet;
#Internet als #perfekt(er) #Friedhof für #Zettel: Evtl. kann da noch jemand was mit #anfangen;
#AbyWarburg #Collage(n)
#gespräch #tedtalk #Vortragsarten #occupywallstreet #internet #perfekt #Friedhof #zettel #anfangen #chapotraphouse #AbyWarburg #collage
#AxisOfEasy 153: Underworld in panic as cops penetrate secret criminal chat app
##AxisOfEasy #BMW #ChapoTrapHouse #contacttracing #EvilQuest #OSX.ThiefQuest #ransomware #reddit #The_Donald #TimO’Reilly #venturecapital
#venturecapital #timo #the_donald #reddit #ransomware #osx #evilquest #contacttracing #chapotraphouse #bmw #axisofeasy
AxisOfEasy #153: Underworld in panic as cops penetrate secret criminal chat app
#BMW #ChapoTrapHouse #contacttracing #EvilQuest #OSX.ThiefQuest #ransomware #reddit #The_Donald #TimO’Reilly #venturecapital
#venturecapital #timo #the_donald #reddit #ransomware #osx #evilquest #contacttracing #chapotraphouse #bmw
Alright, I've waited long enough. I'm finally watching the interview.
Finally got around to reading the #ChapoTrapHouse book, and this bit about the "war on terror" really jumped out at me.
Just learned about the career of #ElliotAbrams from this episode of #ChapoTrapHouse. How the hell is this motherfucker not in jail?