Finished #ChapterhouseDune, which means I've finished the entire #Dune series I intend to read.
There was a scene worthy of great concern for its inappropriate nature, but otherwise the series ended with a wimper. Not much happened, but I'm happy that I am now Dune spoilerproof.
So that infamous event in #ChapterhouseDune happened at 67%.
Forcing trauma to awaken your inner self to greater potential is a recurring theme across all the #Dune books, but THAT particular trauma is wildly inappropriate to incorporate into a plot. Extremely strange choice in a series with a lot of shocking elements.
Speeding up my reading of #ChapterhouseDune so that I don't read the weirdest parts of #Dune while I proctor midterm exams next week.
I keep hearing it gets very uncomfortable towards the end. I just hit the 60% mark and just want to finish it soon.
Characters keep floating some terrible ideas about a ghola, but no spoilers, please!
The Duncan Idaho subplot in Heretics of Dune goes from slow to 100% WTF. The ending feels like an type of fetish A03 story with too many diversionary subplots to set it up.
Each time I learned more about the Honored Matres goals, I got even more worried about trying to finish #ChapterhouseDune.
Since the start of the pandemic I’ve been listening to the Dune series audiobooks at nights to help me to sleep. Not sure at this point how many times I’ve gone through the first 4 books.
#Dune #DuneMessiah #ChildrenOfDune #GodEmperorOfDune #HereticsOfDune #ChapterhouseDune
#Dune #dunemessiah #childrenofdune #godemperorofdune #hereticsofdune #chapterhousedune
Just finished #ChapterhouseDune... Jeez, what a struggle to finish it... It wouldn't dare to say it's a *bad* book, but evenr as an avid Sci-Fi reader I didn't get the point of it. I finished it just out of sheer stubborness.
Anyway, this has been the last one for me in the #Dune saga. I need something different now. I'll make a poll later, to meke Mastodon chose my next reading
#chapterhousedune #dune #nobodycares