If I hear another (serious) “I asked ChatGPT and it said…” as a rebuttal I am going to explode.
Woooow !!!, today was another step in my coding live. #ChaptGPT helped me to improve my #RxJS code. Simply amazing !!
If #resharper helping/teaching me functional programming (Linq between others) everyday, now, #ChatGPT is going to helping/teaching me to continuous improving/learning about other languages like #angular #typescript and why not? Improve my current #csharp code.
#chaptgpt #RxJS #resharper #chatgpt #angular #typescript #csharp #ia #dotnet #coding #developments #developer
#chaptGPT got banned in #italy because of data privacy violation and the lack of underage verification mechanisms.
Is the "value" created by #generativeai like #chaptgpt largely as a tool for efficient legalized plagiarism? Kind of like how the "value" of the #gigeconomy is mainly tax avoidance. Will #ai providers like OpenAI and Microsoft succeed by getting their own version of Communication Decency Act section 230 or California Prop 22 that protects them from traditionally relevant laws by claiming it is required to promote technological progress? 🤔
#generativeAI #chaptgpt #gigeconomy #ai
Il y a quelques semaines, nous évoquions l'intégration de ChatGPT dans le jeu Mount & Blade II : Bannerlord afin d'améliorer les conversions avec les PNJ. Bloc, l'initiateur du projet, vient de sortir un mod qui va encore plus loin.
L'article complet par ici : https://www.histogames.com/HTML/news/2023/mars/020-un-mod-pour-rendre-les-interactions-avec-les-pnj-plus-immersives-dans-mount-and-blade-ii-bannerlord.php
Here's a question I haven't seen asked about #ChaptGPT and it's #AI siblings: If these large language models are trained on copyrighted inputs to which OpenAI et-al do not have rights, how can they copyright the models themselves?
Is there some kind of 'transformative' copyright loophole they can claim? And, if so, can I take a copy of their model and *transform it again* and claim copyright on the results?
When you speak of the Devil, sometimes he answers!
#chaptgpt #openai #ai #gpt4 #chatgptplus
Here are 10 #LifeHacks thanks to #ChaptGPT #AI:
1. Tie your shoes with your feet.
2. Use a ruler to measure the height of your pets.
3. Use a coffee mug as a phone stand.
4. Use a clothes hanger to hold your sandwich.
5. Speaking of sandwiches, use a stapler to seal your sandwich.
6. Use a flashlight to find your lost socks.
7. Use a pencil sharpener to sharpen your fingernails.
8. Use a spoon to dig out your earwax.
9. Use a pizza box to organize your shoes.
10. Use a hair tie to tie your shoelaces.
More #ChaptGPT Mischief - HIGH RISE Assaults CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY https://jlroberson.blogspot.com/2023/02/more-chaptgpt-mischief-high-rise.html #parody #ai #tech
“Microsoft’s newly revamped Bing search engine can write recipes and songs and quickly explain just about anything it can find on the internet.”
No. It can predict a series of words and phrases that look like recipes and songs.
These systems do no write, produce or create anything.
Please stop misrepresenting what they do.
A tonic for all the #ai #chaptgpt #highered fear & loathing .. https://networkeffects.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/JoeFrank_AnEnterprisingMan_2010.mp3
OK, so:
Did #OpenAI #ChaptGPT write this post for CNET? cuz' there's "#AI magic beans" sprouting everywhere now... and they're eating the faces off human trust.
cc: dustcircle
#Media #Health
#AI #ML #BigData
#openai #chaptgpt #ai #bigtech #media #health #mentalhealth #therapy #ethicalai #MedMastodon #ml #bigdata
'Chatting with the dead: the hermeneutics of thanabots' https://doi.org/10.1177/01634437221147626 is a brilliant & timely paper by Leah Henrickson in Media, Culture & Society which examines an actual example of someone trying to use GPT3 (the technology powering #ChaptGPT) to animate a chatbot of their dead fiancé! #digitaldeath
@dimillian I'm much more pessimistic and actually unimpressed by those. Sure it's impressive to see automatic generation of text but it's mediocre and BS and lies and we'll be soon drowning in its output.
And I guess it's the same for images that on the surface compare to artwork but are actually very far from it.
#ai #chaptgpt #midjourney
I think there is a before and after ChatGPT / MidJourney / AI tooling in general. And same for people, people who knows how to integrate those tools in their daily lives and workflow and people who don't.
I do and I can make way more stuff that I couln’t before. It’s like getting an headstart for a lot of things.
#ChaptGPT gives me a very interesting list. Interesting because as an expert in this area, I didn't know any of the papers.
Wow, new key readings, great....
well, as an academic have to give that a try!
I first asked it about an area of my expertise - agonistic theories of democracy & public relations and how it would apply them to an important topic such as Net Zero transition
The answer was a bit generic and disappointing. #ChaptGPT recommended using the "key sources" in academic lit on agonistic approaches to PR. AH! I ask what are they (with some vanity hoping it would recommend some of my own papers!)
Once #ChaptGPT got confused by a hypothetical question, and once it referred to the predecessor of an political entity instead of the correct entity.
Together with the speed of the answer, this will make it very hard to convince students to actually make the effort and learn how to write their own texts. Which is an essential skill if you really want to understand something, and of course indispensable if you actually come up with NEW ideas that you want to communicate. ...