Très agréablement surpris par ce salami végétal
Il n'a pas la consistance trop souvent gélatineuse (à mon goût) des charcuteries véganes et la saveur est bien équilibrée
#vegan #charcuterie #cestvalide
Trying my hand at some charcuterie by making some coppa. I’ll be curing the coppa in the fridge with a dry age steak bag. It worked on YT, so giving it a shot.
I know the Canadian bacon (back bacon) will be fine. The coppa, on the other hand, I’m 50/50. I’ve watched enough YouTubers to know how to do it, so it should be fine.
#pork #charcuterie #bacon #coppa #capocollo #bacon
#pork #charcuterie #bacon #coppa #capocollo
Just discovered this new local #food podcast for #Scotland 'Love Your Local Larder'. Interviewing the farmers and producers growing & making #ScotFood. First couple of episodes are on #seabuckthorn and #charcuterie
#charcuterie #seabuckthorn #scotfood #scotland #food
#AnimalHour #Squirrels get a #charcuterie board?! #wildlife #animals
#AnimalHour #squirrels #charcuterie #wildlife #animals
Ma raclette de l'été, c'est la planche charcuteries fromages accompagnée de bières, un mariage peu habituel mais intéressant, testé une fois par an. Après une lambic légère pour commencer (ici, une "Mariage parfait"), place à une porter puis une stout, plus puissante. Pour la planche : rocamadour, camembert, morbier, comté bleu d'Auvergne, jambon de Bayonne, pâté de campagne, rosette lyonnaise, saucisson à l'ail et chorizo.
#bières #foodporn #fromage #charcuterie
#bieres #foodporn #fromage #charcuterie
Our (now old) Advertisement for Machina and Magic. Still makes me laugh LOL
#MachinaAndMagic #food #charcuterie #salami #wine #fine #TTRPG #RPG #ttrpgdesign
#machinaandmagic #food #charcuterie #salami #wine #fine #ttrpg #rpg #ttrpgDesign
Basta !
Charcuterie aux nitrites dans les cantines : « Pourquoi donner des aliments cancérogènes aux enfants ? »
#yuka #nitrites #charcuterie #lobbys
#yuka #Nitrites #charcuterie #lobbys
L’application Yuka gagne contre les « lobbies de la charcuterie »
#yuka #nitrites #charcuterie #lobbys
#yuka #Nitrites #charcuterie #lobbys
Didn’t cook last night. I have therapy on Monday afternoons and I never feel like cooking afterwards. So, it becomes cheese night instead. Here’s the spread. #EmotionalSupportCheese 😀 #charcuterie #cooking
#emotionalsupportcheese #charcuterie #cooking
If stasis drawers were real and I had one, I would keep mine filled with #cheeses and aged meats. A forever #charcuterie.
Honteux !!!! #charcuterie #nitrites pour les pauvres et sans #nitrites pour les riches ???? #luttedesclasses 😱
Pour ceux qui doutent encore de la puissance des lobbys ...
L'Assemblée nationale rejette l'interdiction des nitrites dans la charcuterie via @ladepechedumidi
#charcuterie #nitrites #luttedesclasses
#Alimentation 🥑
Après la confirmation, l’été dernier, du lien entre les nitrites et le cancer colorectal, le gouvernement publie un plan d’action peu contraignant :
#Alimentation #charcuterie #cancer #macron #gouvernement #lobby #interbev
ICYMI, I am very sorry to say that yesterday's announcement of new #charcuterie nail polish strips was merely an #AprilFools joke. :(
I just saw a TT about how charcuterie boards are Lunchables for adults
#milennials #charcuterie #aging
#milennials #charcuterie #aging
Pepperoni has lost 37% of its weight. I removed them from the UMAi casings and vacuum sealed them all together to let the moisture levels equalize. The color is a darker red than I expected. I tried a sample and it was tasty! #charcuterie #sausagemaking #drycuring
#drycuring #sausagemaking #charcuterie
Miniature tacos sold
In toy restaurants now abound
Modern food cuisine
#toykitchen #tacos #lumpia #charcuterie #diversecuisine #haiku #poetry
#toykitchen #tacos #Lumpia #charcuterie #diversecuisine #haiku #poetry
When you're The Walrus Of Love, & you want to make sure your Shark-Coochie board is very water-resistant:
I'm sorry, but I pimp out Lee Valley at every opportunity, & I have Barry White stuck in my head. :) Beware: I have literally never used this product. YMMV.
#finish #finishing #woodworking #cuttingboard #charcuterie #MaybeIHaventHadEnoughCoffeeYet 🇨🇦 🍁 #LeeValley
#leevalley #maybeihaventhadenoughcoffeeyet #charcuterie #cuttingboard #woodworking #finishing #finish
Camarillo High School sets "Guiness World Record" #charcuterie board.
YASSSSS! #food #instagram #charcuterie #snacklebox
#food #instagram #charcuterie #snacklebox