James-Webb-Teleskop enthüllt Chariklos Ringe. Sternbedeckung liefert Informationen zum Doppelring um den fernen Asteroiden. #Asteroid #Chariklo #Asteroidenring #JWST #Astronomie https://www.scinexx.de/news/kosmos/james-webb-teleskop-enthuellt-chariklos-ringe/
#asteroid #chariklo #asteroidenring #JWST #astronomie
I am going to hazard a guess that ocultation has nothing to do with the occult.
#JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #Chariklo #IceRings #Occultation #Occult #Astronomy #Astronomers #Centaurs #Hybrid
#occult #hybrid #centaurs #astronomers #astronomy #occultation #icerings #chariklo #jameswebbspacetelescope
Webb ziet het ringensysteem van asteroïde Chariklo
In 2013 ontdekten astronomen met telescopen vanaf de Aarde dat de asteroïde Chariklo een systeem van twee dunne ringen heeft. Dergelijke ringen werden alleen verwacht rond grote planeten zoals Jupiter en Neptunus.
#asteroide #ringen #Webb #chariklo #zonnestelsel
#astronomy #asteroids #JWST #Chariklo
A stellar occultation that took place on October 18, 2022, made it possible to study asteroid Chariklo observing its rings as well, a truly peculiar feature for such a small object. A team of researchers used the James Webb Space Telescope to capture Chariklo's passage in front of a star from Webb's point of view.
#astronomy #asteroids #jwst #chariklo
I just sent the second issue of my #newsletter out to subscribers! Small Body Rings, Visits, and Close Approaches, with news about the close flyby of #neo #asteroid #2023BU, #Chariklo and its #rings, and the November flyby of a new target for the #LucyMission. https://elakdawalla.beehiiv.com/p/2023bu-chariklo-rings-lucy-1999vd57
#newsletter #neo #asteroid #2023bu #chariklo #rings #LucyMission
A nice #JWST light curve of a stellar occultation by the #rings of #Centaur (10199) #Chariklo: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/early-highlights/webb-spies-chariklo-ring-system-with-high-precision-technique and https://blogs.nasa.gov/webb/2023/01/25/webb-spies-chariklo-ring-system-with-high-precision-technique/
#chariklo #centaur #rings #jwst