Cynisca of Sparta (b. #History #ChariotRacing #CyniscaofSparta #OlympicGames
#OlympicGames #cyniscaofsparta #chariotracing #History
Cynisca of Sparta (b. c. 440 BCE) was a Spartan royal princess who became the first female Olympic champion. #ChariotRacing #CyniscaofSparta #OlympicGames #History
#History #OlympicGames #cyniscaofsparta #chariotracing
Cynisca of Sparta (b. c. 440 BCE) was a Spartan royal princess who became the first female Olympic champion. Defying the traditional role of women in ancient Greece, she competed in the Olympic Games alongside the men and won. Her triumph in Greek athletics became a symbol of inspiration for women of future generations and her legacy is still remembered today. #ChariotRacing #CyniscaofSparta #OlympicGames #History
#History #OlympicGames #cyniscaofsparta #chariotracing
Chariot racing was very big business in ancient Rome. There was a whole industry built around the factions, the four professional stables known by their team colour – Blue, Green, Red, and White –, providing all that was required for a race: horses, stable managers, blacksmiths, doctors, assistants to the charioteers, operators for the gate starting mechanisms. #RomanEmpire #CircusMaximus #ChariotRacing #History
#History #chariotracing #circusMaximus #romanempire