Wie cool ist das denn bitte. 🤩
"Im Jahr 1822 entwirft der britische Mathematiker #CharlesBabbage den Plan für eine dampfbetriebene #Rechenmaschine. Die „#DifferenceEngine“ ist ihrer Zeit weit voraus – und wäre der erste #Computer der Welt gewesen."
#charlesbabbage #rechenmaschine #differenceengine #computer
Looks like there's been a lot of progress by the Plan28 project to summarise Charles Babbage's designs for the Analytical Engine, in preparation for actually building it. Tim Robinson has now completed the review of Babbage's notes and drawings and will be releasing details incrementally over the next year.
Coincidently, I've just started reading "The Difference Engine" by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling this week!
#Plan28 #CharlesBabbage #AnalyticalEngine #CyberPunk
#CyberPunk #analyticalengine #charlesbabbage #plan28
More at #https://controllingthetransmissions.blogspot.com/2023/01/books-false-value-by-ben-aaronovitch.html
#booksreadin2023 #falsevalue #benaaronovitch #petergrant #thefolly #magic #Maryengine #differenceengine #adalovelace #charlesbabbage
#https #booksreadin2023 #falsevalue #benaaronovitch #petergrant #thefolly #magic #maryengine #differenceengine #adalovelace #charlesbabbage
Have you tried conjuring #Satan before working on #computers, like #CharlesBabbage?
#satan #computers #charlesbabbage
Now that my following has surged into double digits, a moment of sharing and peeps-seeking. I've put up here:
some notes and mini-working-papers from a project on body, nation, race, and economy in the 19th and 20th centuries. Most interested in hearing from others working in these areas.
#historyofthebody #historyofeconomicthought #jamesmeade #keynes #irvingfisher #neurasthenia #eugenics #AlfredMarshall #herbertspencer #charlesbabbage
Authors often describe their own labor, but _On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures_ by #CharlesBabbage (1832) is the only book I know that examines its own physical production, including expenses for plates, revisions, paper and so forth. For him industrial revolution is about making precise copies of goods of all kinds. Machines do things humans can't. Theorizes mental labor, language. Joseph Bizup's 2003 _Manufacturing Culture_ great on this.
Kotaku: Sonic Advance 2 Perfected The Series 20 Years Ago (Maybe Video Games, Too) https://kotaku.com/sonic-advance-2-hedgehog-sega-gba-fast-dimps-boost-mode-1849922856 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sidescrollingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #videogamecharacters #hiroshimatsumoto #takashinishiyama #sonicthehedgehog #sonicunleashed #charlesbabbage #sonicadventure #artoffighting #chronotrigger #platformgames #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #sthompson #advance #rush
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #sidescrollingvideogames #singleplayervideogames #videogamecharacters #hiroshimatsumoto #takashinishiyama #sonicthehedgehog #sonicunleashed #charlesbabbage #sonicadventure #artoffighting #chronotrigger #platformgames #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #sthompson #advance #rush
Charles Babbage, who is credited with inventing the first automatic digital computer, was born this day in 1791. He first had the idea of creating a calculator to compute mathematical calculations about 1813 and created a small calculator with an 8-decimal capacity. In 1823, he was given government support to create a more advanced Difference Engine with a 20-decimal capacity.
#CharlesBabbage #DifferenceEngine #Inventor #Computer #Calculator
Image of the Difference Engine. Image via Wikipedia
#charlesbabbage #differenceengine #inventor #computer #calculator