I know that some night
in some bedroom
my fingers will
soft clean
songs such as no radio
all sadness grinning
into flow.
#CharlesBukowski ##wewilltastetheislandsandthesea #sentiremoilsaporedelleisoleedelmare #poesia #unapoesiaalgiorno
#charlesbukowski #wewilltastetheislandsandthesea #sentiremoilsaporedelleisoleedelmare #poesia #unapoesiaalgiorno
Live your life to the fullest
#charlesbukowski #lifequotes #inspiration
"Express what you feel, don't be afraid of the consequences, because time doesn't make any discounts for anyone. Love, hate, throw yourself headlong into everything that gives you strong emotions. People are the most beautiful show in the world. And you don't have to pay for the ticket."
#charlesbukowski #lifequotes #inspiration
Il #16agosto 1920 nasceva #CharlesBukowski, il più famoso scrittore underground in lingua inglese e del “Realismo sporco“
#16Agosto #charlesbukowski #ilbortoneficio
Honestly, I haven't read any Bukowski, but this makes me want to 😂
@humour @bookstodon @bookstadon @bookbubble
#Reading #Readers
#ReadingCommunity #Bookwyrm #Bookstodon #BookLove #Books #BoostingIsSharing
#reading #readers #charlesbukowski #readingcommunity #bookwyrm #bookstodon #booklove #books #boostingissharing
My wee mind hyperlinked to #Barfly and #MickeyRourke as #Bukowski's job interview and bar rant:
"Somebody laid down this rule that everybody's gotta do something, they gotta be something ... Sometimes I just get tired of thinking of all the things that I don't wanna do—all the things that I don't wanna be!"
#movies #writing #80s #LA #CharlesBukowski #writer #writing #nonconformism
#bukowski #nonconformism #writer #charlesbukowski #la #80s #Writing #Movies #Mickeyrourke #barfly
95.2023 - Escritores: Charles Bukowski.
#escritores #narrativa #letras #literatura #escribir #charlesbukowski #bukowski #reflexiones #pensamientos #sentimientos #emociones #conductas #comportamientos #gestos #habitossaludables #hábitos #vida #cultura #mastoescritores #mastodon #fediverso #literaverso
#escritores #narrativa #letras #literatura #escribir #charlesbukowski #bukowski #reflexiones #pensamientos #sentimientos #emociones #conductas #comportamientos #gestos #habitossaludables #habitos #vida #cultura #mastoescritores #mastodon #fediverso #literaverso
People with no #morals often considered themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel or love
We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by #trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing
#trivialities #charlesbukowski
“L’amore è una forma di pregiudizio. Si ama quello di cui si ha bisogno, quello che ci fa star bene, quello che ci fa comodo. Come fai a dire che ami una persona, quando al mondo ci sono migliaia di persone che potresti amare di più, se solo le incontrassi? Il fatto è che non le incontri.” – Charles Bukowski
Immaginiamo per gioco #CharlesBukowski (1920-1994) nell’era dei #social e delle #app di incontri. Che cosa muterebbe della sua frase sopracitata?
The difference between a #democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting
Why not all three?
#CharlesBukowski #pot #whiskey #rocknroll #literature #poetry #litstudies
#litstudies #poetry #literature #rocknroll #whiskey #pot #charlesbukowski
Inspired by #CharlesBukowski
This a short poem of me just rambling and unable to sleep.
Thinking about things in a way that seems kind whether it is or not.
#poem #poetry #writingcommunity #ProsePoem
#charlesbukowski #poem #poetry #writingcommunity #prosepoem
aka Dunning-Kruger-Effect. Aber Bukowski hat das treffend zusammen gefasst.
#charlesbukowski #dunningkrugereffect
I take much pleasure in being alone but there is also a strange warm grace in not being alone.
Tutto si riduce all’ultima persona a cui pensi la notte, è lì che si trova il cuore.
Charles Bukowski
#poesie #poesied'amore #poeti #bukowski #charlesbukowski #arte #arteconteporanea #Pittori #klimt #GustavKlimt
Gustav Klimt, Il Bacio, 1907-1908, olio su tela, 180×180 cm, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna
#poesie #poesied #poeti #bukowski #charlesbukowski #arte #arteconteporanea #Pittori #klimt #GustavKlimt
Ça fait du bien d’affronter de l’hostilité ; ça aide à garder la tête froide.
#CharlesBukowski / Au Sud de nul part (1973)
“Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.”
"Amo i solitari, i diversi,
quelli che non incontri mai.
Quelli persi, andati, spiritati, fottuti.
Quelli con l’anima in fiamme"
Il #9marzo 1994 moriva #CharlesBukowski
#9marzo #charlesbukowski #ilbortoneficio
Sesso, droga e rock’n’roll ma versione sovietica
"Mosca-Petuškì"Serie compagnia extraVenedikt ErofeevFlusso di cosienzaQuodlibet editore1976 prima edizioneBrossura205 paginehttps://www.quodlibet.it/libro/9788874626533
"Romanzo con cocaina"Serie dei tascabiliM. AgeevFlusso di cosienzaEditore E/O1936 prima e
#Recensionilibri #alcol #alcolismo #charlesbukowski #droga #letteraturarussa #letteraturasovietica #Recensione
#recensionilibri #alcol #alcolismo #charlesbukowski #droga #Letteraturarussa #letteraturasovietica #recensione