Filmmaker Charles Burnett #CharlesBurnett #filmmaker #director #film #movie #cinema #films #movies
#Movies #films #cinema #movie #Film #director #filmmaker #charlesburnett
Killer of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978) #KillerofSheep #CharlesBurnett #film #movie #cinema #films #movies #NationalFilmRegistry
#NationalFilmRegistry #Movies #films #cinema #movie #Film #charlesburnett #killerofsheep
Afternoon off work. Watching the brilliant KILLER OF SHEEP (#CharlesBurnett 1977) via the @BFI DVD. Wish this and MY BROTHER’S WEDDING would get HD home video releases. #ThisNightIllWatchYour
#charlesburnett #ThisNightIllWatchYour
A thread of new & recent #book releases focusing on #film, #racism, #MovieMaking, & #art related titles
Regeneration: Black Cinema, 1898–1971
"As harrowing as it is beautiful, this history of Black cinema and its legacy is often overlooked."
Includes interviews with #AvaDuVernay #BarryJenkins #DawnPorter #CharlesBurnett and an extensive #filmography.
#LibrarianAtWork #book #film #racism #moviemaking #art #avaduvernay #barryjenkins #dawnporter #charlesburnett #filmography #bookstodon #blackcinema #newrelease