The #UntilDarwinBibliography are the works cited in Until Darwin: Science & the Origins of Race (2010). Redoing a project from the old site. #FromthelibraryofCharlesDarwin - the works in Darwin's personal library, will follow that.
#HistSTM #HistSci #CharlesDarwin
#untildarwinbibliography #fromthelibraryofcharlesdarwin #histstm #histsci #charlesdarwin
29-Aug: On this day in 1831, #CharlesDarwin received a letter, written five days earlier, that was to change his life. It informed him of a vacancy aboard a ship named HMS Beagle… #HistSci
28-Aug: On this day in 1831, #CharlesDarwin’s tutor and friend John Stevens Henslow sat down to write a letter that was to change his favourite pupil’s life.
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
DAMN!! The Jehovah's Witnesses called, and I WAS OUT! (I love to watch the look on their faces as I politely invite them to join The Friends of #CharlesDarwin.)
07-Aug: On this day in 1838, #CharlesDarwin took his first ride on a ‘railroad’ (sic). Here are his thoughts on the experience…
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
Democraticamente è più facile credere nel populismo. La scienza non è democratica: un’ipotesi condivisa non la rende reale. Vale anche per il clima. La scienza opera con due semplici passi: identifica l’ignoranza e cerca di ridurla. Prendiamo la domanda cosmica: da dove veniamo?
#cambiamentoclimatico #CharlesDarwin #Copernico #Galileo #ignoranza #MetodoScientifico #newton #riscaldamentoglobale #soffiodivino #vaccini
#cambiamentoclimatico #charlesdarwin #copernico #galileo #ignoranza #metodoscientifico #newton #riscaldamentoglobale #soffiodivino #vaccini
05-Aug: On this day in 1832, #CharlesDarwin and his HMS Beagle shipmates came under fire while helping to put down an armed insurrection in Buenos Ayres.
#histsci #histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
#PaulDavies - Gap Between Non-Life and #Life
#PhilosophyOfBiology #Biology #Physics #Evolution #Darwin #CharlesDarwin #Information #Replication #NonLife #RNA #DNA #AminoAcids #Peptides #Eukaryotes #Prokaryotes #Chance #Probability #Intelligence #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #intelligence #probability #chance #prokaryotes #eukaryotes #peptides #aminoacids #dna #rna #nonlife #replication #information #charlesdarwin #darwin #evolution #physics #biology #philosophyofbiology #life #PaulDavies
#OnThisDay, July 23, in 1834, the HMS Beagle anchored at ValparaÃso, Chile (depicted in The Voyage of Charles Darwin, 1978)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #TheVoyageOfCharlesDarwin #CharlesDarwin #Evolution #HMSBeagle #Histodons @histodons
#onthisday #movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #thevoyageofcharlesdarwin #charlesdarwin #evolution #hmsbeagle #histodons
20-Jul: On this day in 1858, #CharlesDarwin began to write an ‘abstract’ of his planned ‘big book’ on species. That abstract was to grow in scope, evolving into ‘On the Origin of Species’.
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
20-Jul: On this day in 1804, #CharlesDarwin’s future friend, then enemy, the brilliant palaeontologist (and inspirer of the word ‘dinosaur’), Richard Owen, was born in Lancaster, England.
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
New book review.
#CharlesDarwin #AmReading
@ellane Colours appear different depending on how computer monitors (and people's eyes!) are calibrated, so what you or your computer see as hex #415E77 (my website's banner colour) is not necessarily the same as how I or my computer see it.
#CharlesDarwin took a book of standard colours with him on the Beagle voyage to help him describe colours more consistently.
11-Jul: On this day in 1836, #CharlesDarwin paid a visit to #NapoleonBonaparte!
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #napoleonbonaparte #histsci #histodons
05-Jul: Born on this day in 1805, #CharlesDarwin’s brilliant but temperamental captain aboard HMS Beagle, Robert FitzRoy.
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
01-Jul: On this day in 1858, #CharlesDarwin finally went public with his theory of evolution by means of natural selection, having been startled into publishing by a letter from Alfred Russel Wallace…
#HistSci #Histodons
#charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
#KnowledgeByte: #AscensionIsland and Darwin’s #Terraforming Experiment.
#CharlesDarwin's ecological experiment on Ascension island could be a key to our future
#charlesdarwin #terraforming #ascensionisland #knowledgebyte
A long-overdue update on my Darwin book…
#AmWriting #CharlesDarwin #HistSci #Histodons
#amwriting #charlesdarwin #histsci #histodons
18-Jun: On this day is 1858, #CharlesDarwin received the biggest shock of his professional life…
A posthumous knighthood for 73-year-old Martin Amis sets an interesting precedent. #CharlesDarwin was passed over for a knighthood to avoid controversy. He also died at 73. (But why lend kudos to a discredited honours system by fixing this?)