Why #Starfield, we are indeed reading #CharlesDickens over on https://www.chilliteracy.com, thank you so much for distributing his work throughout your universe in a stealth promotion on our behalf đź‘Ť
The “Flunky Beadle” in James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake”. #111Words #JamesJoyce #FinnegansWake #YankeeDoodle #Beadle #CharlesDickens #OliverTwist https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-flunky-beadle-in-james-joyces.html
#olivertwist #charlesdickens #beadle #yankeedoodle #finneganswake #JamesJoyce #111words
Going live in just a minute over on Twitch, it's Lucy with further reading from A Tale of Two Cities! Plots are thickening, tension is building, and I can easily guarantee a cosy way to spend a couple of hours this evening!
See you there?
#ATaleOfTwoCities #CharlesDickens #ReadingAloud #AudioBook #BedtimeStory #Cosy #Cozy
#ataleoftwocities #charlesdickens #readingaloud #audiobook #bedtimestory #cosy #cozy
“The wind was blowing drearily. The lamps looked pale, and shook as if they were cold. There was a distant glimmer of something that was not quite darkness, rather than of light, in the sky; and foreboding night was shivering and restless, as the dying are who make a troubled end.”
“Dombey and son” Charles Dickens - 1846
#CharlesDickens #VictorianLondon #LondonSlums #VictorianLife #VictorianSlums #Victorian #19thCentury #VictorianEra #englishliterature
#charlesdickens #victorianlondon #londonslums #victorianlife #victorianslums #victorian #19thcentury #victorianera #englishliterature
What the Dickens? Our Mutual Friend (my favourite book ever) - YouTube. Haven’t watched this video yet, but saving for later. Our Mutual Friend is easily my favourite Dickens novel, and one of my absolute all time favourite novels ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKIG2UPlflU #Dickens #CharlesDickens #Literature #VictorianLiterature #Fiction #Novels #Books #Reading #Bookstodon #Booktube #FavouriteBooks #FavoriteBooks #NineteenthCentury
#nineteenthcentury #favoritebooks #favouritebooks #booktube #bookstodon #reading #books #novels #fiction #victorianliterature #literature #charlesdickens #dickens
Don't worry if you've never read A Tale of One City, you'll be able to hop right in to its sequel which Lucy's going to be reading for you over on https://www.twitch.tv/chilliteracy right soon!
#ATaleOfTwoCities #CharlesDickens #ReadingAloud #AudioBook
#ataleoftwocities #charlesdickens #readingaloud #audiobook
On Charles Dickens as “sentimental, theatrical, moralistic, and controlling” (Zadie Smith) — and the end of “Our Mutual Friend”. #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #Novels #TheNewYorker #ZadieSmith #Sentimentality #Theatricality #Moralism #Controlling #Paranoia https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/on-charles-dickens-as-sentimental.html
#paranoia #controlling #Moralism #theatricality #sentimentality #zadiesmith #thenewyorker #novels #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
Three years of reading Charles Dickens’s novels in chronological order. #111Words #CharlesDickens #Novels #ChronologicalOrder #ReadingProject https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/three-years-of-reading-charles-dickenss.html
#readingproject #chronologicalorder #novels #charlesdickens #111words
“A dirtier or more wretched place he had never seen. The street was very narrow and muddy, and the air was impregnated with filthy odours. There were a good many small shops; but the only stock in trade appeared to be heaps of children, who, even at that time of night, were crawling in and out at the doors, or screaming from the inside. The sole places that seemed to prosper amid the general blight of the place, were the public-houses; and in them, the lowest orders of Irish were wrangling with might and main. Covered ways and yards, which here and there diverged from the main street, disclosed little knots of houses, where drunken men and women were positively wallowing in filth; and from several of the door-ways, great ill-looking fellows were cautiously emerging, bound, to all appearance, on no very well-disposed or harmless errands.”
“Oliver Twist” Charles Dickens - 1837
#CharlesDickens #VictorianLondon #LondonSlums #VictorianLife #VictorianSlums #Victorian #19thCentury #VictorianEra #englishliterature
#charlesdickens #victorianlondon #londonslums #victorianlife #victorianslums #victorian #19thcentury #victorianera #englishliterature
Can't stop the #BookWeek at https://www.twitch.tv/chilliteracy
Tonight Sam's back with some Year One favourites! We've got Dickens, Stevenson, Middleton, Nesbitt, and maybe more if there's time? Come and find a new story to love!
#Audiobook #ReadingAloud #TheSignalMan #CharlesDickens #TheBodySnatcher #RobertLouisStevenson #ManSizeInMarble #EdithNesbitt #TheGhostShip #RichardMiddleton #cozy
#bookweek #audiobook #readingaloud #thesignalman #charlesdickens #thebodysnatcher #robertlouisstevenson #mansizeinmarble #edithnesbitt #theghostship #richardmiddleton #cozy
Book Week continues at a moderate pace tonight, with Lucy reading the next part of #ATaleOfTwoCities by #CharlesDickens! Head on over to https://www.twitch.tv/chilliteracy now for an especially pleasant way to spend your evening
#ataleoftwocities #charlesdickens #audiobook #readingaloud #publicdomain
Kudos to #CharlesDickens for contriving a way to expand a small story he had previously published. The note preceding The Portrait Painters Story explains this ballsy #writer move. Also pictured, the first page of the shorter tale in Four Ghost Stories, and the cover of The Complete Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens, edited by Peter Haning in which both stories appear.
#gothic #ghoststories #dickens #literature #writer #charlesdickens
There are a lot of youth/student shows. You are duty bound to catch one. Some of them will be rather good, actually. This year I caught #TheSignalMan, based on #CharlesDickens short story. The company works with 14-18 year olds. But unfortunately I think the adults were responsible for why this disappoints. Dialogue is pre-recorded, so no real acting - kids standing in the dark, occasionally intense wordless glances. Bored mimes perform to audio drama. Was fine.
#edinburgh #fringe #festival
#thesignalman #charlesdickens #edinburgh #fringe #festival
Il prossimo autunno lo passiamo colmando delle grosse lacune.
#CormacMcCarthy #johnsteinbeck #charlesdickens
#CormacMcCarthy #johnsteinbeck #charlesdickens
Don Quixote in Charles Dickens’s “Our Mutual Friend” (1865). #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #DonQuixote #DonQuijote #MiguelDeCervantes #DanielDefoe #RobinsonCrusoe #DavidCopperfield https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/don-quixote-in-charles-dickenss-our.html
#davidcopperfield #robinsoncrusoe #Danieldefoe #migueldecervantes #donquijote #donquixote #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
Coming up in half an hour, Lucy will be continuing with #ATaleOfTwoCities by #CharlesDickens. We're a few streams in already and things are moving along! Also it's funny? If you studied it in school, that whole side might've gone missing. Don't believe me? That's fair.
Also have a picture of Joey in a grump.
#CatTax #CatsOfMastodon #PublicDomain #ReadingAloud #BedtimeStory
#ataleoftwocities #charlesdickens #cattax #catsofmastodon #publicdomain #readingaloud #bedtimestory
“The property of strangers” in Charles Dickens’s “Our Mutual Friend” (1865) and “the kindness of strangers” in Tennessee Williams’s “A Streetcar Named Desire” (1947). #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #BellaWilfer #TennesseeWilliams #BlancheDuBois https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-property-of-strangers-in-charles.html
#blanchedubois #tennesseewilliams #bellawilfer #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
“Thingummies”, “whatdoyoucallums”, and “whatshisnames” in Charles Dickens’s “Our Mutual Friend” (1865). #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #DombeyAndSon #Thingummy #WhatDoYouCallUm #WhatsHisName #Fiction #OED https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/07/thingummies-whatdoyoucallums-and.html
#oed #fiction #whatshisname #whatdoyoucallum #thingummy #dombeyandson #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
“Gaslight” in the novels of Charles Dickens, especially “Our Mutual Friend” (1865). #111Words #CharlesDickens #Gaslight #MartinChuzzlewit #HardTimes #LittleDorrit #OurMutualFriend #Literature #Technology https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/07/gaslight-in-novels-of-charles-dickens.html
#technology #literature #ourmutualfriend #littledorrit #HardTimes #martinchuzzlewit #gaslight #charlesdickens #111words
Today in Labor History July 28, 1794: The authorities guillotined Robespierre, architect of the French Reign of Terror. Prior to the French Revolution, he had advocated for universal suffrage, and abolition of the death penalty and the Atlantic slave trade. There are too many historical novels set during the French Revolution to name them all. However, here are some of the most famous ones. “The Scarlet Pimpernel” (1905) by Baroness Orczy. “A Tale of Two Cities” (1859) by Charles Dickens. “Ninety-Three” (Quatrevingt-treize) by Victor Hugo. It was published in 1874, three years after the bloody upheaval of the Paris Commune.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Robespierre #French #Revolution #paris #DeathPenalty #slavery #writer #author #fiction #novel #VictorHugo #CharlesDickens @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Robespierre #french #Revolution #paris #deathpenalty #slavery #writer #author #fiction #novel #victorhugo #charlesdickens