A few weeks ago, a journalist from the local newspaper interviewed me for about one hour about #NoDig #gardening Their photographer was all over the #garden.
Today the article was published on half a page in all local editions across our state - and I have no subscription nor is it online outside the paywall. ☹️
So later, I have to get out to get the print edition.
Anyway, thanks to #CharlesDowding and all the other NoDig practitioners who helped me to get where I am with the garden now.
#NoDig #gardening #garden #charlesdowding
@BroadforkForVictory The last paragraph of your toot is probably key: Adapting the approach to regional differences. In the RHS online library is a book on #NoDig, that hardly mentions the methods as used by #CharlesDowding. So nodig has many variations and not just the one and only true approach.
Somewhere in a corner of the shed, I've this tool, too, @Irisfreundin
However, the idea of #NoDig is to leave the fungal network in the ground as undisturbed as possible.
So there is also discussion about the use of #broadforks in nodig.
#CharlesDowding e.g. says, mostly soil is not compacted but just firm - which is not a bad thing.
Richard Perkins used broadforks in the past, but reckons now, it's a waste of time.
Having said this, what do you reckon,
@BroadforkForVictory ? 🙂
#NoDig #broadforks #charlesdowding
You'll get posted about the outcome of the trial. @BroadforkForVictory
#CharlesDowding 's trial beds with the same veg every year look amazing in real life.
But #gardening often follows 3 basic rules:
1) That's the way to do it.
2) That's always been the way it's been done.
3)Who are you to ask questions?
So I did rotate the potato beds.
@donkeyherder About 10yrs ago, I started with #NoDig. From a tiny patch this has grown to cover the whole garden (1300m2) + a plot of ~500m2 of neglected agricultural land: https://feinschmeckergarten.de/index.php/2022/05/18/nodig-marktgarten-woche-1/ (in 🇩🇪 with pics)
2017 I covered the lawn in the photo with cardboard and #compost. 2nd picture is today. Less work, more pleasure.
Starting point for me were the videos of #CharlesDowding on Youtube.
Go for it! You'll never go back digging.
Just be aware of compost quality, to not import weed seeds.
#NoDig #compost #charlesdowding
My wife literally forced me to book the course, as we were passing through the area on a holiday trip.
I thought, it might be a waste of money, having read the books and watched the videos.
Was worth it!
There was a bloke from the US. When he asked something, Charles just said, "In this climate I do so, I could imagine, in your climate you want do this and that. Just try, what fits best".
Hi @fran
I wish I had found the videos of #CharlesDowding about #NoDig earlier.
It would have saved me years of back breaking digging/soil turning and crawling around weeding.
My life as a nodig #gardener is so much easier and we have plenty of produce from the veg beds and joy from the flower beds.
All lawn is gone.
All the best for this new adventure and have fun!
#charlesdowding #NoDig #gardener
Thanks @CLMilne
Though I have to admit that the design was very much inspired by the compost bays of #CharlesDowding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf6CGj7xpFE
Da jetzt wieder das #gartenjahr beginnt ein kleiner Tip zu einem großen Wissensschatz: #NoDigGarden von #charlesdowding
No dig heißt, den Boden möglichst ungestört zu lassen, um das #bodenleben zu erhalten, mit all seinen #mikroorganismen
Jedes Jahr eine dünne Schicht #kompost aufs Beet statt tiefem Umgraben. Der Ertrag aus dem #garten nimmt mit der Zeit zu. Der Arbeitsaufwand ist relativ gering.
Durch #versetzteAussaat und Voranzucht gibt es permanente Ernten.
#versetzteaussaat #garten #kompost #mikroorganismen #bodenleben #charlesdowding #NoDigGarden #Gartenjahr
@BroadforkForVictory The idea with stacking seed trays indoors was taken from a video of #CharlesDowding.
The first try ended with seedlings growing into the tray above as I did not check often enough.
So I came up with the stack of euroboxes. Apparently, Charles realised the flaw in stacking seed trays directly, too. He is using stackable boxes nowadays...
Your setup is quite impressive, too! This year is the first full year I run an add. 500m2 veg garden. I should get more shelves like you.
Slightly disappointed:
After #RaisedBeds made from cheap scaffolding boards (fir) gave in to rot after about 10 yrs, I thought I'd better spend some money on more resistent #larch 4x20cm.
After 7 yrs the posts (10x10cm) have gone and I had to brace the sides with metal strips.
One reason more to change to #CharlesDowding style beds without wooden sides in the revamped veg patch.
#raisedbeds #larch #charlesdowding
You know how all seed trays just effing dissolve by just looking at them? Well, I took the chance and ordered a bunch of the ones Charles Dowding (No Dig) designed, and they're every bit as sturdy, reliable, and practical as you'd expect from him. I'm pretty sure I'll never have to buy new ones - ever. So solid, yet so bendy. Have you tried them?
#sustainability #nodig #NoDigGardening #growyourown #gardening #homesteading #CharlesDowding #prepping #selfsufficiency
#sustainability #nodig #nodiggardening #growyourown #gardening #homesteading #charlesdowding #prepping #selfsufficiency
@Savvyhomestead @ConorMahood thank you! I've been following Charles Dowding's no-dig content for a few years and have been thinking more about it ever since you mentioned these other writers. Just bought his new book with Dorling Kindersley NO DIG and can't wait to, um, dig in. There's a corner of our tiny garden that I'm going to give over to #NoDig.
#CharlesDowding #gardening #GrowYourOwn #vegetables #myGarden
#mygarden #vegetables #growyourown #Gardening #charlesdowding #nodig
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who talks to plants and insects. Yesterday I saw @LizZorab@mastodon.social talk to a bumblebee and #CharlesDowding apologising to a tomato plant for threatening to cut it with a trowel (on YouTube). Is that a true sign of empathy perhaps?
#gardening #NoDig #NoDigGardening #AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall
#charlesdowding #gardening #nodig #nodiggardening #allcreaturesgreatandsmall
@GwenfarsGarden I was a garden designer. I can't manage it with the mecfs these days, but I still give friends tips etc. I would say, look into #noDigGardening first and foremost. It's low maintenance and effective for all sorts of gardens. #CharlesDowding has a lot of online free resources.
#nodiggardening #charlesdowding
Two different varieties of beetroot, multi-sown à la #charlesdowding . #garden #allotment
#allotment #garden #charlesdowding