Toller Artikel von #charleseisenstein der gut erklärt, warum wir uns nicht nur gegen #CO2 einsetzen, sondern auch für #Artenvielfalt, eine #Schwammstadt und regenerative ökologische Landwirtschaft!
Besonders das Video erklärt gut die Wichtigkeit von Wasserkreisläufen...
#charleseisenstein #co2 #artenvielfalt #schwammstadt
Ich habe mich für eine 3-wöchige #Challenge angemeldet, die am Sonntag beginnt. - In der Challenge geht es darum, in einer #PeerLearning-Umgebung diese Leitfrage zu erforschen:
What is a new story you want to step into?
Dazu gibt es jeden Tag einen (Schreib-)Impuls und mehrere Webinare. Unter anderen wird bei den Webinaren auch #CharlesEisenstein zu Gast sein.
Detaillierte Informationen und eine Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung gibt es hier:
#challenge #peerlearning #charleseisenstein
𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐫 𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐨
A velha história é a história da separação. Precisamos de novas histórias, porque a velha história é mentira. Nós não estamos separados um dos outros, nem das plantas, dos animais, da natureza, do cosmos. A nova história é, afinal, a mais antiga de todas, e os povos indígenas sabem disso: que estamos todos todos interligados, que somos feitos da mesma matéria uns e outros e as estrelas!
#reflexao #rethinking #CharlesEisenstein #Sustent_Accao
#reflexao #rethinking #charleseisenstein #sustent_accao
𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐫 𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐨
A velha história é a história da separação. Precisamos de novas histórias, porque a velha história é mentira. Nós não estamos separados um dos outros, nem das plantas, dos animais, da natureza, do cosmos. A nova história é, afinal, a mais antiga de todas, e os povos indígenas sabem disso: que estamos todos todos interligados, que somos feitos da mesma matéria uns e outros e as estrelas!
#reflexao #rethinking #CharlesEisenstein #Sustent_Accao
#reflexao #rethinking #charleseisenstein #sustent_accao
"Fascism depends on a divided, mutually suspicious population willing to spy on one another, betray one another, and most simply and most importantly, stand by passively when one person or group suffers persecution because after all, it isn’t happening to me."
#CharlesEisenstein, 2022
"The true warrior is not the one who is willing to kill. That doesn’t make a warrior. The true warrior is the one who is willing, if need be, to die. Courage and not violence defines him. The fight, then, is a special case, appropriate in special circumstances, of the willingness to put everything on the line, to offer even one’s own body and all the ego holds precious, in service to life."
#charleseisenstein #peacefulwarrior
"The result of the fight was illuminating. My opponent and I were pretty evenly matched. He was younger, but I had a longer reach. No one landed a devastating blow; instead, we basically exhausted ourselves. That’s what seems to happen in most of the political fights of our time, and that is probably what would have happened if I’d gotten into a public fight with the thought leaders and influencers who denounced me. And as at Sacred Sons, a rowdy crowd would have cheered..."
".... it didn’t take much for man after man to access deep grief, rage, shame, brokenness, forgiveness, joy, or peace. There weren’t just tears, there were wracking sobs that came from the depths of the soul. There weren’t just shouts; there were screams of rage that came from generations of pain. Men grieved what they had lost and what they had done, what they had inflicted and what they had suffered."
#CharlesEisenstein, 2022
Good vs. Evil.
Us vs. Them.
A compelling article on how the idea of controlling our reality, the environment, etc is ready for change.
Be prepared.
#charleseisenstein #1984
"Credit and coins, [David Graeber] observes, bear one “spectacular distinction”: only the latter can be stolen. That is because coins (or paper money) are divorced from their origins, and therefore suitable to commerce among strangers. Aside from assurances of the coins’ purity, no trust is necessary to conduct a transaction. Credit, on the other hand, has no value once removed from its social matrix."
#CharlesEisenstein, 2012
#charleseisenstein #davidgraeber #money #history
Mutual interdependence is an unavoidable reality people mask with money, contacts etc. Charles Eisenstein makes some really good points on that in his book 'Sacred Economics'.
#books #charleseisenstein #SacredEconomics
Charles Eisenstein, 'The Force That Drives Our Civilization'
#video #charleseisenstein #civilization
Another spectacular #synchronicity:
Just after listening to a podcast episode[1] in which #charleseisenstein interviews #farmerrishi, a gardener (former software engineer) who works with the nonprofit #kisstheground, I decide to get back to that #drabmajesty album I didn't finish listening to. Where did I stop? What's the next track?
Kissing the Ground
#synchronicity #charleseisenstein #farmerrishi #drabmajesty #kisstheground