Heyday's wonderful writer Charles Hood is up from So Cal for one night only! Tonight at the San Ramon library at 6:30 pm, discussing, "Does Nature Exist?"
Charles is hilarious, is a poet, photographer, and naturalist, and has traveled wisely to look at all the birds and mammals he can. He's written several field guides, essays, and books of poems, and this fall we'll publish his photo heavy book on nature at night here in the West called NOCTURNALIA, coauthored with bat expert José Gabriel MartÃnez-Fonseca!
Editing his book of essays A Salad Only the Devil Would Eat was a total highlight of my early days at Heyday.
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#bats #sanramon #books #naturewriting #whatisnature #nocturnalia #charleshood #heydaybooks #naturephotography #nightphotography #thedarkside