#CharlesII, the #King of #Spain in the late 1600s, is one of my favorites for just how egregious it is.
The dude's mother married her mother's brother, and even her parents were cousins, and their parents were cousins, and it all becomes this giant circle instead of a tree. You can tell just by looking at the dude how screwed up his genetics are: the human genome is resilient to some level of inbreeding, but it never stood a chance against this kind of incest cult.
FWIW, it was the previous King Charles, #CharlesII who renamed the colony of #NewAmsterdam to #NewYork in honor of his brother, the then Duke Of York, and the Future JamesII
#NewYork #newamsterdam #charlesii
https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/royals/prince-harry-meghan-markle-no-chance-balcony/ I’ve learned the hard way in my own life, that there may come a time when a complete break from your family is the only way to go, for your own well being. Harry should divorce his highly dysfunctional and immoral family. #charlesii #horseconsort #adultry
#charlesii #horseconsort #adultry
Today in #Connecticut History, March 7: New Haven Hides the Killers of an English King
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#17thcentury #charlesi #charlesii #colonialera #connecticuthistory #edwardwhalley #england #englishcivilwar #hadleymassachusetts #johndixwell #judgescave #march #milford #newengland #newhaven #politicsandgovernment #puritans #regicide #westrock
#connecticut #17thcentury #charlesi #charlesii #colonialera #connecticuthistory #edwardwhalley #england #englishcivilwar #hadleymassachusetts #johndixwell #judgescave #march #milford #newengland #newhaven #politicsandgovernment #puritans #regicide #westrock
What a great idea! 😄
In an age where much wealth was held in portable objects, the medieval and Tudor kings housed their jewels, plate and other valuables in jewel houses within their palaces. In Issue 04, Dr Nicola Tallis looks at those jewel houses in which Henry VII and Henry VIII stored their treasures.
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #henryviii #charlesii #richardii #crownjewels
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #HenryVIII #charlesii #richardii #CrownJewels
Some more #17thCentury #Christmas #music
Henry Lawes: A #Glee at Christmas - Tis Christmas Now.
From Select ayres and dialogues to sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol , 1669
Eleanor Cramer: #soprano
Christopher Goodwin: #lute
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
#earlymusic #earlymodern #restoration #charlesii #17thCenturyChristmas #seventeenthcentury #sheetmusic #baroque #christmasmusic #christmassong #baroquemusic #histodons #histodon @earlymusic
#17thcentury #christmas #music #glee #soprano #lute #viol #earlymusic #earlymodern #restoration #charlesii #17thcenturychristmas #seventeenthcentury #sheetmusic #baroque #christmasmusic #christmassong #baroquemusic #histodons #histodon
In an age where much wealth was held in portable objects, the medieval and Tudor kings housed their jewels, plate and other valuables in jewel houses within their palaces. In Issue 04, Dr Nicola Tallis looks at those jewel houses in which Henry VII and Henry VIII stored their treasures.
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #henryviii #charlesii #richardii #crownjewels
#tudorplaces #tudorplacesmag #tudorplacesmagazine #toweroflondon #jeweltower #henryvii #HenryVIII #charlesii #richardii #CrownJewels
Puritans are well-known for their plain and 'sombre garments'. But did you know that the fashion of periwigs, powder, and fancy hair-dos was found before Charles II with those close to Oliver Cromwell? Find out about Puritan fashion: http://ow.ly/1b5n50Lxnrm #FashionHistory #Puritan #Cromwell #CharlesII #Histodons @histodons @histodon
#histodons #charlesii #Cromwell #puritan #fashionhistory
The Declaration of Indulgence (1672) suspended the execution of the Penal Laws and attempted to extend religious freedom for Protestant nonconformists & Catholics. But this supposedly tolerant measure was met with heavy criticism.
@pseaward1 explains 👇
#Catholic #PenalLaws #CharlesII #Restoration #Histodons #Religion
#religion #histodons #restoration #charlesii #penallaws #catholic