John Cage: Untitled Event/Theatre Piece No.1, 1952. Performance. Black Mountain College, Asheville/North Carolina. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art seit 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia, Munich 2001, p.57f. Internet: #johncage #thomasdreher #robertrauschenberg #franzkline #mercecunningham #davidtudor #charlesolson #jaywatt #marycarolinerichards #timlafarge #nicholascernovich #performanceart #blackmountaincollege #intermediaart #multimediahappening
#multimediahappening #intermediaart #blackmountaincollege #performanceart #nicholascernovich #timlafarge #marycarolinerichards #jaywatt #charlesolson #davidtudor #mercecunningham #franzkline #robertrauschenberg #thomasdreher #JohnCage
We, the folk, speak a pure Anglo-Saxon language of active and passive. I fucked them. They fucked me. We fucked them. They fucked us. Mostly it is them fucking us. #CharlesOlson #OnProjectiveVerse #Anglo-Saxon #folk #words #MonoSyllableSentences
#charlesolson #onprojectiveverse #Anglo #folk #words #monosyllablesentences
On the one hand, a thick 600 pages of "collected poems" is probably not great for actually reading. On the other hand... hard to choose :(
if you were to give me a #book of #poetry by #CharlesOlson, one that would, one hopes, whet my appetite for more, which would it be?
I'll acquire the recommendation/s that takes my fancy and consider it a present from you.
Interesting article on #charlesolson.. he represents a a #beat anti-commercialism and deep intellectual search for #human contact that flowered at #BlackMountainCollege and then was consumed, digested and shat upon by a confused lost public which is us and we are so far down the road from the place Olson was in the early 1950s. #WWII was twisted into great victory of all things #American and those who wanted to stop and say "Who is us anyway?" were drowned out. #poetry
#charlesolson #beat #human #blackmountaincollege #wwii #american #poetry
Hello @bookstodon, I am looking for a good biography of the American poet Charles Olson. Got drawn in by his mesmerizing poetry and would love to read about the human. Any recommendations? #bookstodon #poetry #CharlesOlson
#bookstodon #poetry #charlesolson
From 'Variations Done for Gerald Van De Wiele' by Charles Olson who was born on this day in 1910 and who based this poem around 'Le Bonheur' by Arthur Rimbaud
what soul
isn’t in default?
can you afford not to make
the magical study
which happiness is? do you hear
the cock when he crows? do you know the charge,
that you shall have no envy...
Due passi avanti nell’Underground e uno indietro nell’oblio. #LawrenceFerlinghetti #culturaunderground #InternationalTimes #WilliamBurroughs #IsuonatoriJones #CharlesBukowski #AllenGinsberg #controcultura #GeogeHarrison #PaulMcCartney #CharlesOlson #EnzoGentile #Recensioni #BarryMiles #JohnLennon #PattiSmith #KenWeaver #Beatles #YokoOno #Apple #Fugs
#lawrenceferlinghetti #culturaunderground #internationaltimes #williamburroughs #isuonatorijones #charlesbukowski #allenginsberg #controcultura #geogeharrison #paulmccartney #charlesolson #enzogentile #recensioni #barrymiles #johnlennon #pattismith #kenweaver #beatles #yokoono #apple #fugs