8 September I gave a lecture to civil servants and wrote to personally. To claim that the government was not warned of the risks is misleading. Be cynical of the rest of 's article.

-- Charles Read with a warning


#treasury #kwarteng #budget #Truss #charlesread #LizTruss #BylineTimes #thetimes #UKGovernment

Last updated 2 years ago

Important thread from Dr Charles Read including the fact he gave a talk to the Treasury regards the financial instability likely to be cause by tax cuts.
Rt @EconCharlesRead
For anyone reading Liz Truss's mea culpa in The Sunday @Telegraph today, the idea Truss states that Kwarteng and the Treasury had not been warned of the budget's risks to financial stability was NOT TRUE. /1

#charlesread #LizTruss #torychaos

Last updated 2 years ago