"#OpenAI's bot wrote my obituary. It was filled with bizarre #lies" - The Alarming Deceptions at the Heart of an Astounding New #Chatbot. Very useful insight by #CharlesSeife in #Slate
https://slate.com/technology/2022/12/davinci-003-chatbot-gpt-wrote-my-obituary.html #ChatGPT #DaVinci #AI #deception
#openai #lies #chatbot #charlesseife #slate #chatgpt #davinci #ai #deception
#longtermists on #existentialrisk, throwing out random odds that they pull out of their butt, remind me of a line by #CharlesSeife: “If you want to get people to believe something really, really stupid, just stick a number on it.” That is #Ord, #Macaskill and #Beckwith in a rap.
#longtermists #existentialrisk #charlesseife #ord #MacAskill #Beckwith