🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #LizaTarbuck
Charles Sheffield:
🎵 It's Your Voodoo Working
#nowplaying #LizaTarbuck #charlessheffield
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #MarcRiley
Charles Sheffield:
🎵 Its Your Voodoo Working
#nowplaying #bbc6music #MarcRiley #charlessheffield
#Summertide by #CharlesSheffield. This is, in a lot of ways, a fairly unexeceptional 90s science fiction book. It’s out of print, no ebook available. Characters are pretty flat, and the story doesn’t go much of anywhere.
If ancient alien megastructures are your thing—they are very much my thing—this book is your happy place. Pure uncut Big Dumb Object porn. Just A+ perfection in that extremely particular niche.
RIYL: the weird stuff on the other side of the gates in #TheExpanse
#summertide #charlessheffield #theexpanse
If I count series together, I only read ten different things, so I’ll just say a little about each over the next few days. In no particular order:
- #TheExpanse by #JamesSACorey
- #DoomsdayBook by #ConnieWillis
- #Dracula by #BramStoker
- #Vorkosigan by #LoisMcMasterBujold
- #Matter by #IainMBanks
- #Summertide by #CharlesSheffield
- #ElricOfMelnibone by #MichaelMoorcock
- #Animorphs by #KAApplegate
- #Recursion by #BlakeCrouch
- #FirstLaw by #JoeAbercrombie
#theexpanse #jamessacorey #doomsdaybook #conniewillis #dracula #bramstoker #vorkosigan #loismcmasterbujold #matter #iainmbanks #summertide #charlessheffield #elricofmelnibone #michaelmoorcock #animorphs #kaapplegate #recursion #blakecrouch #firstlaw #joeabercrombie