En désaccord avec le changement de nom de la nouvelle école primaire de La Malbaie, la Société d’histoire de Charlevoix et la Fédération Histoire Québec ont écrit au ministre de l’Éducation dans une ultime tentative d’éviter l’abandon du nom Félix-Antoine-Savard.
#histoireqc #histoire #québec #canada #lamalbaie #sociétédhistoiredecharlevoix #charlevoix #félixantoinesavard
#histoireqc #histoire #quebec #canada #lamalbaie #societedhistoiredecharlevoix #charlevoix #felixantoinesavard
The #Charlevoix region has been hit hard by the torrential rains a couple of days ago. So much that one bridge completely washed away, chalets uprooted, trailers carried away by rapid waters and major flooding.
I was lucky enough to visit this region last year for the first time and sadden to hear that this has hit #BaieSaintPaul, which is a lovely little town. I stayed in Île-aux-Coudres and took the ferry daily to Les Éboulements. Hoping for better days ahead for them.
Whoa, they want to build a hotel above Oleson's plaza along Bridge street. https://www.petoskeynews.com/story/news/2023/02/17/new-hotel-development-proposed-in-charlevoix/69899746007/ #charlevoix
Charlevoix, Quebec 🍁 Canadá
#r3colecta #lagocorazon #charlevoix #quebec #canada #charlevoixquebec #charlevoixquebeccanada #sellor3colecta #r3colectaarborizacion #r3colectareforestacion #r3colectaforestacion #r3colectareciclaje #r3colectaalcaldiadepalca #r3colectayarbirizabolivia #mercadosdecarbon #compensacionemisionesco2 #recolecta #elvalorderecolectar #r3 #reducir #reutilizar #reciclar #reducirreutilizarreciclar #certificadoverdeekon #certificacionblockchain #certificadoenergialimpias #ecotoken #ecobanco #reciclaje #acuerdodeparis #transparencia #inmutabilidad #trazabilidad #seguridad #blockchain #cadenadebloques #sostenibilidadblockchain #trazabilidadverde #librocontabledigital #r3colectaelvalorderecolectar #web3
today's Lighthouse...(Friday)
Charlevoix South Pier Light
The #CharlevoixSouthPierLight is located on the west end of the south pier in #Charlevoix #Michigan. It has a skeletal base and a pyramidal steel tower.
The light is still an active aid to navigation on #LakeMichigan. The pier is open to the public, but the light itself is not.
See it here: https://tinyurl.com/yck6c3d4
#Photography #Lighthouse #ArtforSale #BuyIntoArt #AYearFor Art #ArtMatters #Fedigiftshop #WallArt #Prints #Puzzle
#charlevoixsouthpierlight #charlevoix #michigan #lakemichigan #photography #lighthouse #artforsale #buyintoart #ayearfor #artmatters #fedigiftshop #wallart #prints #puzzle