¡UNA PELÍCULA ADULTA! 😱 En #NewYorker se ha descrito a la adaptación de #Barney de #DanielKaluuya como una cinta 'tipo #A24', 'surrealista' y similar a un trabajo de #CharlieKaufman y #SpikeJonze, vendida como 'una obra de teatro para adultos'
#newyorker #barney #danielkaluuya #a24 #charliekaufman #spikejonze
Folge 34: Being John Malkovich
#BeingJohnMalkovich #SpikeJonze #CharlieKaufman #CarterBurwell #LanceAcord #EricZumbrunnen #JohnCusack #CameronDiaz #CatherineKeener #JohnMalkovich #NedBellamy #OrsonBean #CharlieSheen #SeanPenn #WillieGarson #OctaviaSpencer #BradPitt #DustinHoffman #Podcast #FilmPodcast #Roettcast
#Roettcast #filmpodcast #podcast #dustinhoffman #bradpitt #octaviaspencer #WillieGarson #seanpenn #charliesheen #orsonbean #nedbellamy #johnmalkovich #catherinekeener #camerondiaz #johncusack #ericzumbrunnen #lanceacord #carterburwell #charliekaufman #spikejonze #beingjohnmalkovich
In a sprawling two hour episode worthy it's subject matter Reg and Patrick do a deep dive into the seminal Charlie Kaufman meta-fictional film ADAPTATION, where they talk New Journalism, post-modernism, the nouveau-shamanism of Nicholas Cage, The Orchid Thief, the era of Chris Cooper, flowers, occupational envy, writer's block and their personal limits for just how much pathetic sad sack they can tolerate from Charlie Kaufman.
Of course discussion of Judy Greer, who in her brief role of Alice the waitress paints a vivid portrait of the mercenary nature of server flirtation, eventually comes up as well. Also we pitch movies where Judy Greer plays double roles, ideas for other non-fiction adaptations and even recap the plot of Face-Off. I told you, it's that sprawling New Yorker shit.
#movie #film #podcast #moviepodcast #filmpodcast #charliekaufman #nicolascage #judygreer #comedy #metafiction #postmodern #adaptation #spikejonze #merylstreep #flowers #momsaiditwaspsychologicallytaut
#momsaiditwaspsychologicallytaut #flowers #merylstreep #spikejonze #adaptation #postmodern #metafiction #comedy #judygreer #nicolascage #charliekaufman #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #podcast #film #movie
Damn. Accidentally clicked on an old YouTube video. Now I'm going to have to rewatch a bunch of #CharlieKaufman films.
Ironía pura y dura de la pluma de #CharlieKaufman, lo que asegura también una historia cómica, inteligente y desconcertante. Una metáfora filosofal sobre la autoconsciencia y el deseo de ser (otro) y vivir otros sueños.
#ComoSerJohnMalkovich tenía, así, que ser dirigida por la fantasía del inconfundible #SpikeJonze. Y su reparto está sobradamente a la altura, especialmente #JohnCusack y #JohnMalkovich
#CineMastodon #Cine #Comedia #CineIndie #CineOscar #Filosofia
#filosofia #cineoscar #cineindie #comedia #cine #cinemastodon #johnmalkovich #JohnCusack #spikejonze #comoserjohnmalkovich #charliekaufman
#CharlieKaufman (screenwriter of Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind) has directed a new short film.
Written and performed by Eva H.D., it's a lovely beat poetry-ish eavesdropping wander through New York. Watch it at max resolution on a big screen with good sound, it's how all the cool kids are watching it.
#charliekaufman #shortfilm #cinema
I know film award season is exhausting but Charlie Kaufman’s acceptance speech for Screenwriting Achievement (with Jessie Buckley's intro) is why I love his work so much #CharlieKaufman #FilmMastodon
#CharlieKaufman called out #Hollywood for treating writers as 'secondary' and said 'everything else is window dressing.' This is from a man who has written some incredible stories himself.
I will agree that writing is the MOST important part of the project. Without good writing, you just get spectacle.
(source: IndiWire)
Today, February 13, Joel Barish undergoes a procedure by Lacuna, Inc. to erase his memories of his ex-girlfriend Clementine Kruczynski, after he learns that she has had the same procedure to remove her memories of him (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #EternalSunshine #EternalSunshineOfTheSpotlessMind #CharlieKaufman #MichelGondry #JimCarrey #KateWinslet #ValentinesDay
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #eternalsunshine #eternalsunshineofthespotlessmind #charliekaufman #michelgondry #jimcarrey #katewinslet #valentinesday
Kaufman touches upon universal theme of loneliness and melancholy through the eyes of an obsessive artist who builds a replica of life on stage. writer/director gives the well worn premise of life imitating art/art-life & life as a stage w/ more depth and intimacy. However absurd the idea of recreating life that is just like the one you are living now in a giant warehouse, the film’s somber tone takes the surrealist whimsy down to earth. It’s a beautiful film. #synecdochenewyork #charliekaufman
#synecdochenewyork #charliekaufman
1. Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman)
2. The Servant (Losey)
3. Three Colors: Blue (Kieslowski)
4. First Cow (Reichardt)
5. A Serious Man (Coen Bros.)
6. Monty Python and The Holly Grail
7. The Plague Dogs (I'm rather traumatized by it)
#Movies #CharlieKaufman #Kieslowski #FirstCow #KellyReichardt #CoenBrothers #JosephLosey #MontyPython #PlagueDogs
#7moviestoknowme #movies #charliekaufman #kieslowski #firstcow #kellyreichardt #coenbrothers #josephlosey #montypython #plaguedogs
"El gameplay no está muy chido que digamos y si lo que buscas es un reto no lo vas a encontrar aquí, pero al inspirarse en la película, precisamente en el guión de Charlie Kaufman, Reives consigue entregarnos una historia conmovedora"
https://www.tierraadentro.cultura.gob.mx/to-the-moon-videojuegos-y-narrativas-no-tan-nuevas/ #CharlieKaufman #VideoJuegos #RPG
#charliekaufman #videojuegos #rpg