Cet été j'ai replongé du côté thriller polar de la force, option serial killer dégueu et mise en scène macabre.
Pourtant Tout ce qui meurt, premier tome de la série Charlie Parker par John Connolly, tire son épingle du jeu par son héros (et ses potes) "mauvais cul" qui rentre dans le lard des méchants sans souci.
#MastoLivre #CharlieParker #JohnConnolly #ToutCeQuiMeurt #Polar #Thriller
#mastolivre #charlieparker #johnconnolly #toutcequimeurt #polar #thriller
The legendary Charlie "Bird" Parker, born on this day in Kansas City, in 1920
#CharlieParker #BOTD
The Charlie Parker Residence ~ 151 Avenue B, New York, NY, off Tompkins Square Pa
On This Day: “Bird Lives!”
The lullaby of Bird lingers lovingly on
by Greg Murphy, published in the Liverpool Daily Post, Saturday August 29th, 1970
While searching through an archive looking for some details on the Creed Taylor, CTI Rhythmstick project, I found this UK Newspaper clipping. The 1990 version of the CTI All-Stars covered Parker's "Barbados" on their album and video. Also included here is a li
#nonCT #CharlieParker
#GreatAlbums1950s – #CharlieParker/ #TheQuintet – Jazz at Massey Hall (1953). This live one-off, captured by Charles Mingus on a portable tape deck, featured Parker in the company of Dizzy Gillespie, Bud Powell, Max Roach, and Mingus (on bass) at Toronto’s Massey Hall. A spirited “Perdido” leads the set, followed by Dizzy’s infectious “Salt Peanuts” and a set of standards ending with a definitive “A Night in Tunisia.” Low audio fidelity aside, this is as good as bebop gets.
#greatjazzalbums #thequintet #charlieparker #greatalbums1950s
En bonne lecture de vacances, j'ai emporté dans mon sac à dos le premier Charlie Parker de John Connolly : Tout ce qui meurt.
J'avais lu et apprécié un tome random de la saga y'a quelques années et je voulais reprendre du début depuis, et je suis pas déçu.
La scène d'introduction de Louis et Angel est un petit trésor d'iconisation
#MastoLivre #Polar #JohnConnolly #CharlieParker #ToutCeQuiMeurt
#mastolivre #polar #johnconnolly #charlieparker #toutcequimeurt
The Bop Boys and the Beat Boys—a musical and literary bromance
#bebop #markmurphy #JackKerouac #charlieparker #parkersmood
Just started John Connolly's third Charlie Parker novel. Only 10 pages in, but as a mild arachnophobe I get the feeling this may be a tough read.
#johnconnolly #charlieparker #thekillingkind #spiders
Lucie Horsch's rendition of Charlie Parker's "Ornithology" is just so great.
#jazz #luciehorsch #charlieparker
Fred Hersch and Bill Frisell’s 1998 standards album “Songs We Know”, including “My Little Suede Shoes” and “It Might As Well Be Spring”. #111Words #FredHersch #BillFrisell #SongsWeKnow #CharlieParker #MyLittleSuedeShoes #RodgersAndHammerstein #ItMightAsWellBeSpring https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/07/fred-hersch-and-bill-frisells-1998.html
#itmightaswellbespring #rodgersandhammerstein #mylittlesuedeshoes #charlieparker #songsweknow #billfrisell #fredhersch #111words
So what is bebop, and where do we start?
Bebop is a style of jazz that is faster than swing, and uses intricate playing: it is jazz music for jazz musicians rather than for dancing audiences.
Here's one of the biggest names –
Charlie Parker Quintet, "Scrapple at the Apple" (4 Nov 1947)
This track uses "Honeysuckle Rose" as launching pad for The Bird to take off from.
#genreoftheweek #bebop #charlieparker #charlieparkerquintet
Anthony Braxton · George Lewis "Donna Lee" (Charlie Parker) 1976
#jazz #anthonybraxton #GeorgeLewis #charlieparker
En ook zijn werk als vormgever bleef steeds van grote invloed, getuige zijn cartoon en hommage aan #CharlieParker uit december 1964 genaamd #HighFlyingBird.
Hij richt met #IanStewart, lid van The Stones voor 1963 en #AlexisKorner eind jaren 70 het project #Rocket88 op, een boogie woogie band met wisselende leden uit jazz en rockwereld.
En vanaf 1980 tourt hij regelmatig met de #CharlieWattsOrchestra met #EvanParker en #JackBruce ook lid van rocket88.
In 1991 richt hij het jazz quintet
#charlieparker #highflyingbird #ianstewart #alexiskorner #rocket88 #charliewattsorchestra #evanparker #jackbruce
all-star centerfielder & future #CharlieParker recordist dean benedetti, reno, 1939. #jazz #baseball
#charlieparker #jazz #baseball
New Yorker: A New Way to Hear Some Revelatory Charlie Parker Bootlegs https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/a-new-way-to-hear-some-revelatory-charlie-parker-bootlegs #NewYorker #Culture/CultureDesk #CharlieParker #Musicians #Music #Jazz
#newyorker #Culture #charlieparker #musicians #music #jazz
Hatfield & The North : ‘Underdub’ - 4 video masterclass by Fred Baker new on Phil Miller website https://philmillerthelegacy.com/fred-t-baker-master-class/underdub-master-class/ #HatfieldAndTheNorth #FredBaker #PhilMiller #CharlieParker
#hatfieldandthenorth #fredbaker #philmiller #charlieparker
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
1947 - Charlie Parker and his Orchestra - Club El Sino - Detroit
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #charlieparker
“Royal Roost 2” (2018 Rebroadcast)
#art #CharlieParker #chicken #collage #egg #Jazz #MastoArt #Music #Photoshop #Saxophone #Vinyl
#vinyl #saxophone #photoshop #music #MastoArt #jazz #egg #collage #chicken #charlieparker #art
#DemandezLeProgramme #jazz :
1955 - Charlie Parker - Johnny Smith Quartet at the Rouge Lounge (River Rouge, Michigan)
#demandezleprogramme #jazz #charlieparker
Charlie Parker on Parker's Mood II - Sept. 18, 1948 - Eb Transcription
#jazz #jazztranscription #saxophone #charlieparker
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #JToZ
Charlie Parker:
🎵 Just Friends
#nowplaying #JToZ #charlieparker