31 years ago:
Stormy Weathers
Shepherd is the detective hired by an aristocratic Italian to locate a relative and thereby solve an ancient inheritance problem. As she sinks into the case, however, she finds out that there is much more to the case.
#StormyWeathers #CybillShepherd #RobertBeltran #CharlieSchlatter #ClassicFilm
#stormyweathers #cybillshepherd #robertbeltran #charlieschlatter #classicfilm
Found An Old Picture, Decided To Give It Voice, Music and Sound Effects.
Because I fucking can!
#FanArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #MastoArt #VA #AmateurVoiceActor #Voiceover #Gex #EnterTheGecko #DeepCoverGecko #PS1 #PSX #DanaGould #CrystalDynamics #KickButtowski #KBSD #SandroCorsaro #CharlieSchlatter #DisneyCartoons
#fanart #artistsonmastodon #mastoart #va #amateurvoiceactor #voiceover #gex #enterthegecko #deepcovergecko #ps1 #psx #danagould #crystaldynamics #kickbuttowski #kbsd #sandrocorsaro #charlieschlatter #disneycartoons
The World's Greatest Daredevil
#KickButtowski #KBSD #FanArt #DisneyCartoons #SandroCorsaro #CharlieSchlatter
#kickbuttowski #kbsd #fanart #disneycartoons #sandrocorsaro #charlieschlatter