Correction to the usually dead-accurate #CharlieSykes on #MorningJoe :
#RonDeSantis is *not* running a presidential campaign to “become the leader of the free world.”
If either #RonDeSantis or #DonaldTrump win the #2024election , then the United States of America will no longer be part of the ‘#FreeWorld ‘, let alone its ‘leading nation’.
#charliesykes #morningjoe #rondesantis #donaldtrump #2024election #freeworld #saveamerica #donotcollaboratewithfascists
Boom ---#charliesykes writes in the Bulwark: (about Trump)
"No Pres. has earned the open contempt & denunciation of so many of his inner circle..unlike other criiques from the Resistance or Never Trumpers who have essentially become Democrats---these voices are coming from inside the house."
I cannot believe I'm spending my Friday evening listening to a couple of Resistance Never Trumpers shoot the 💩 and wishing we'd had them on our side a long time ago. Their experience and skills sharpen our blades. ⚔️
#thebulwark #charliesykes #rickwilson
#thebulwark #charliesykes #rickwilson
It was always going to end in tears.
“The battle unfolding over the speakership is not between the extremists and the establishment. It’s between two camps of extremists.” #CharlieSykes