Started reading Poison by #CharlotKing. A couple of chapters at a time is pretty much enough for me in one sitting. Audio book now; Monday Mourning by #kathyreichs. Hoping to sleep through the night for a change. Catch y'all on the flip side.
Authors I read, nearly all crime related; #RJBarker #RJDark, #ChrisBrookmyre, #MarkBillingham, #BenAaronovitch, #AndrewCartmell, #LeeChild, #MichaelConnelly, #JohnConnolly, #JeffreyDeaver, #JasperFforde, #CarlHiaasen, #StuartMacBride, #CharlotKing, #ValMcDermid, #VaseemKhan, #AbirMukherjee, #WilburSmith, #SimonBeckett, #AhathaChristie, #SophieHannah, #AnthonyHorowitz and others.
#rjbarker #rjdark #chrisbrookmyre #markbillingham #benaaronovitch #andrewcartmell #leechild #michaelconnelly #johnconnolly #jeffreydeaver #jasperfforde #carlhiaasen #stuartmacbride #charlotking #valmcdermid #vaseemkhan #abirmukherjee #wilbursmith #simonbeckett #ahathachristie #sophiehannah #anthonyhorowitz