Si tenéis que escuchar hoy una canción (y ver el vídeo), que sea ésta de #CharlotteCardin
Finally we're far enough into the year for me to make a 2023 #StupidAccordionTricks cover, and as with my recent take on "Here", it also engages the dubious pleasures of being a social introvert. Here's #CharlotteCardin's #Confetti:
#confetti #charlottecardin #StupidAccordionTricks
I hear your voice
*Oigo tu voz*
but it never quite fills the void
*pero nunca llena por completo el vacío*
thought that we were two for good
*pensé que éramos dos para siempre*
but love is never like it should
*pero el amor nunca es como debería*
Buenos días.
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Charlotte Cardin:
🎵 Fous N'Importe Où (feat. CRi)
Lately, I've realized what kind of songs I like. That is, "the music that I like the lyrics and the melody, additionally my body gets moving with the lyrics and the melody.”
As a result, my music library is filled with earnest rock music under the mask of pop.
e. g.
”Rain On Me” #LadyGAGA #ArianaGrande
”Kings & Queens” #AvaMax
”no tears left to cry” #ArianaGrande
”You Need To Calm Down” #TaylorSwift
“Anyone Who Loves me” #CharlotteCardin
#ladygaga #arianagrande #avamax #taylorswift #charlottecardin
”Rain On Me” #LadyGAGA #ArianaGrande とか
”Kings & Queens” #AvaMax とか
”no tears left to cry” #ArianaGrande とか
”You Need To Calm Down” #TaylorSwift とか
“Anyone Who Loves me” #CharlotteCardin とか。
”This Land” #GaryClarkJr. とか
"Ludens” , “MANTRA” #BringMeTheHorizon とか
“Native Son“ #AlterBridge とか。
#alterbridge #bringmethehorizon #garyclarkjr #charlottecardin #taylorswift #avamax #arianagrande #ladygaga
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Charlotte Cardin:
🎵 Fous N'Importe Où (feat. CRi)
Thought we had a deal, it's just sex to me #CharlotteCardin
Buenos y musicales días, mastodontes.
Qué buen descubrimiento el de #CharlotteCardin. Tengo su 'Phonenix' en bucle desde ayer. Es genial para tenerla de fondo, y también para apreciarla en detalle. 100% recomendada.
#charlottecardin #musica #recomendar
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Charlotte Cardin:
🎵 Fous N'Importe Où (feat. CRi)
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Charlotte Cardin:
🎵 Fous N'Importe Où (feat. CRi)
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Fous N'Importe Où (feat. CRi):
🎵 Charlotte Cardin