@marick Back in 2002 I saw Alan Kay give a talk, where he talked about Harvard grads believing that seasons were caused by the Earth being closer/further from the Sun.
My thought: maybe you science writers/teachers should stop showing ridiculously exaggerated ellipses for orbits. #ChartJunk
@bsmall2 If you are interested in Edward Tufte's work, please have a look at @LabPlot, an open-source and cross-platform application for curve fitting, data visualization and analysis.
You can get Tufte's "Maximal data, minimal ink" theme for various plots in a single click with @LabPlot.
#EdwardTufte #ChartJunk #Data-Ink-Ratio #DataViz #InfoViz #LabPlot
#labplot #infoviz #dataviz #Data #chartjunk #EdwardTufte
@taosecurity If you are interested in Edward Tufte's work, please have a look at @LabPlot, an open-source and cross-platform application for curve fitting, data visualization and analysis.
You can get Tufte's "Maximal data, minimal ink" theme for various plots in a single click with @LabPlot.
#EdwardTufte #ChartJunk #Data-Ink-Ratio #DataViz #InfoViz #LabPlot
#labplot #infoviz #dataviz #Data #chartjunk #EdwardTufte
Ahem, Columbia Journalism Review, *none* of those publications are "left-leaning." Do you even understand what the left is these days? Those are centrist, mainstream corporate journalism outlets. The Washington Post is owned by a billionaire, fer chrissakes. "Journalists Remain on Twitter, but Tweet Slightly Less" https://www.cjr.org/tow_center/journalists-remain-on-twitter-but-tweet-slightly-less.php #Chartjunk #Journalism
Gadzooks I just realized that neither #GoogleSheets nor #LibreOffice support any 3D graphing. (though they do offer some fake-3d shadow #ChartJunk yay?)
#googlesheets #LibreOffice #chartjunk
Wow, I need to keep this as (yet another) example of how to mislead with #datavisualisation, by the #StLouisFed no less: https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2023/01/23/china-military-spending-st-louis-fed-graph/ (via @gruber ) #chartjunk
#chartjunk #stlouisfed #datavisualisation
am I the only person who really really dislikes the visuals here ?
is that cause I use a laptop/browser (firefox) instead of a smartphone
all those graphics are just , as Tufte would say, #chartjunk
Edward Tufte offers two principles for making efficient graphical representations:
- erase non-data-ink, within reason.
- erase redundant data-ink, within reason.
Above all, show the data! Tufte
Do you know that you can get Tufte's "MAXIMAL DATA, MINIMAL INK" theme for plots in a single click with @LabPlot via Theme > Tufte?
Get the project via File > Open Example.
#LabPlot #Tufte #ChartJunk #Data-Ink-Ratio #DataViz #InfoViz #Visualization #CognitiveLoad #Minimalism #Simplicity #OpenSource
#Simplicity #Data #chartjunk #OpenSource #minimalism #CognitiveLoad #visualization #infoviz #dataviz #tufte #labplot
@ct_bergstrom @PLOS
Dear Prof Bergstrom
please, I think hashtags are imp here #dataviz #badgraphs #graphs #chartjunk
#chartjunk #graphs #badgraphs #dataviz
Bonito pero inútil https://es.chuso.net/bonito-pero-in%C3%BAtil.html #dataviz #chartjunk