MEMORY LANE | #Warning EXTREME #Foul_Language | #Israel's #NEW_RACISM: The Persecution of African Migrants in the #Holy_Land
About 60,000 #AFRICAN #Migrants have arrived in #Israel since 2006, #fleeing #ETHOPIA
you see folks ISREAL is not ANY different from #WHITE_SUPREMISTS in fact they #spearheaded #WHITE_SUPREMECY AND #CHASED ALL THE #REAL #CHRISTIANS INTO #ETHOPIA!
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#JAH_LIVES #christians #real #chased #WHITE_SUPREMECY #spearheaded #WHITE_SUPREMISTS #ethopia #fleeing #migrants #african #Holy_Land #NEW_RACISM #israel #Foul_Language #warning
backwards in reverse chased...
#running #backwards #lookback #overtheshoulder #reverse #chased #mildly #intimidating #vidcap #totallylookslike #animatedgif
#running #backwards #lookback #overtheshoulder #reverse #chased #mildly #intimidating #vidcap #totallylookslike #animatedgif
backwards in reverse chased...
#running #backwards #lookback #overtheshoulder #reverse #chased #mildly #intimidating #vidcap #totallylookslike #animatedgif
#vidcap #totallylookslike #animatedgif #running #backwards #lookback #overtheshoulder #reverse #chased #mildly #intimidating
backwards in reverse chased...
#running #backwards #lookback #overtheshoulder #reverse #chased #mildly #intimidating #vidcap #totallylookslike #animatedgif
#vidcap #totallylookslike #animatedgif #running #backwards #lookback #overtheshoulder #reverse #chased #mildly #intimidating
shopping at the supermarket...
#attackofthekillertomatoes #chasing #chased #chase #giant #tomato #parkinglot #shoppingcart #vidcap #animatedgif
#attackofthekillertomatoes #chasing #parkinglot #shoppingcart #animatedgif #vidcap #chased #chase #giant
shopping at the supermarket...
#attackofthekillertomatoes #chasing #chased #chase #giant #tomato #parkinglot #shoppingcart #vidcap #animatedgif
#attackofthekillertomatoes #chasing #parkinglot #shoppingcart #animatedgif #vidcap #chased #chase #giant