Be a Hero
In the 1880s, the Russian empire, in the thralls of its descent and eventual collapse, was wracked by violent antisemitic pogroms.
Rabbi Shmuel Schneersohn was summoned to a gathering of Jewish leaders in S. Petersburg. At the gathering, he came out forcefully in an approach ending the violence against the Jews of the Pale of Settlement.
#ChassidicTales #Chabad #RebbeMaharash #Esther #Torah #Mazeldon
#chassidictales #chabad #rebbemaharash #esther #torah #mazeldon
He shall pay for the loss of his work, and he shall fully heal him. (Exodus 21:19)
Here we learn that a physician is allowed to heal [and we do not say that we must leave it up to God].
(Talmud, Bava Kamma 85a)
When Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch was told his daughter-in-law was sick with no hope of recovery, he said: “The Talmud derives that ‘a physician is allowed to heal.’ But nowhere has a doctor been given the right to declare a human being incurable.”
#chassidictales #torah #parshah
From Golems To Robots
An exploration of cultural geekery.
Where does history touch the future? Explore how Jewish stories, history, and identity have expressed itself in science fiction and fantasy.
#mazeldon #jewdiverse #JewishSciFi #geekery #TechTribe #Twelvex #ChassidicTales #talk #Golem @mazeldon
#mazeldon #jewdiverse #jewishscifi #geekery #techtribe #twelvex #chassidictales #talk #golem
The Lost Princess
A mystical tale from Rabbi Nachman of Breslov.
#RabbiNachman #Breslov #ChassidicTales #Mazeldon @mazeldon
#rabbinachman #breslov #chassidictales #mazeldon
Rabbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa suggested that every person have have two pockets, with a note in each. In one pocket, “the universe was created for me,” and in the other pocket, “I am mere dust and ashes.”
#Torah #Mazeldon #ChassidicTales
#torah #mazeldon #chassidictales
10 Tevet is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Nosson Sternhartz (1780-1844), lovingly known as Reb Nosson. He was the chief disciple and loyal scribe of the holy Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Although a great scholar in his own right, he dedicated his life to recording and spreading the teachings of his master. His impact was enormous, as Breslov thought continues to attract new adherents and provide a vital source of inspiration in Jewish life hundreds of years later. #ChassidicTales #JewishHistory #mazeldon
#chassidictales #jewishhistory #mazeldon
@abbystein The great chassidic master Rabbi Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev used to wish people a good and sweet new year on January first, based on Psalms 87:6 “The LORD counts by the reckoning of the nations.” #chassidicTales
People would come from far and wide to seek the sage counsel of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, known to his admirers as the “Alter Rebbe” (Old Rabbi). Once a wealthy man who was seeing a downturn in his fortune came to ask for advice. After he spelled out his troubles, the rabbi responded, “You speak of what you need, but say nothing of what you are needed for.” #wisdom #alterRebbe #chassidicTales #inspiration #quotes
#wisdom #alterrebbe #chassidictales #inspiration #quotes