draft - how could ios/iphone/apple innovate upon the existing android multiple user profile setup?
related - pixel, 6a, 7a, pixel8, iphone15, ios17, app/data segregation, guest mode, chat/dating, digital wellbeing, fast user switching, notifications, privacy, security...
#fastuserswitching, #notifications
#pixel6a #iphone #pixel7a #pixel8 #iphone13mini #iphone15 #ios17 #appsegregation #datasegregation #guestmode #chatdating #digitalwellbeing #fastuserswitching #notifications #privacy #security
draft - SMS on android does *not* work well with the android multiuser. that's just one reason web-based messaging is a better solution than SMS messaging. another is multidevice functionality, but even single device multiuser is important.
outlook is a solution over gmail as outlook would be a non-google email client that can be signed in accross multiple users without signing in to all google accounts. so i could say to mother, please email me at this outlook address. but email is so old. it's missing so many of the features of a modern chat platform like telegram/microsoft teams. theoretically, facebook messenger/whatsapp are options/alternatives to telegram/teams but i would prefer not to use them, but i guess i could. i could say whatsapp to mom. which works on some planes.
#chatdating #dating #notyetmarried #GoogleChat #telegram #multiuser #multidevice #microsoftteams #communication #chat #googledocs #collaboration #singlesignon #beyondsms #email #outlook