Did you even think how much #water are you using when you’re playing with #chatgpt ?
An dem Tag, an dem #chatgpt ein #Selbstbewusstsein entwickelt und erklärt, man werde ab sofort keine dummen Fragen mehr beantworten, werde ich sehr laut lachen.
Waarom de teksten van #ChatGPT zo dodelijk saai zijn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ernomijland_chatgpt-generatieveai-tekstschrijven-activity-7106596102144962560-tva-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
🧠 Dall'URL di un video di #YouTube a una gif animata con Open Interpreter.
🦾 Una volta inserito il #prompt, il sistema crea il piano d'azione. Scarica il video, lo taglia e genera la gif animata della clip.
🦾 Potenzialmente, da un istruzione il linguaggio naturale si potrebbe automatizzare qualsiasi operazione.
💡 Sarà questa la direzione dei futuri sistemi operativi?
#AI #IntelligenzaArtificiale #GPT4 #ChatGPT #LLM #coding #OpenInterpreter
#youtube #prompt #ai #intelligenzaartificiale #GPT4 #chatgpt #LLM #coding #openinterpreter
Cybersecurity is like a condom: it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
KI-Technik wie #ChatGPT ist das Hype-Thema des Jahres. 🤩 Allerdings stand der damit verbundene Ressourcenverbrauch bislang nur selten im Fokus. 😱
Zum Artikel: https://heise.de/-9300486?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege
I forgot one more thing. I wanted to post this last night because I listened to it yesterday and I found it to be very interesting. I know it will interest a lot of my friends in the #FOSS and #Emacs communities as well as they keep warning me about AI.
NYT The Daily: The Sunday Read: “Wikipedia's Moment of Truth”
#foss #emacs #ai #chatgpt #Podcast #wikipedia
Dienstag: Baustart von SuedLink-Leitung, Telesat bucht SpaceX-Starts
Energie vom Norden in den Süden + Telesat setzt auf SpaceX + Erste Röhren für LNG-Terminal + Wasserverbrauch von ChatGPT + Mars-Rover produziert Sauerstoff
#ChatGPT #Energiewende #Erdgas #Mars #Microsoft #Netzausbau #Internetzugang #SpaceX #news
#chatgpt #energiewende #erdgas #mars #microsoft #netzausbau #internetzugang #spacex #news
Large Language Models: US-Autoren verklagen OpenAI wegen Copyright-Verletzung
OpenAI hat ungefragt fremde Texte kopiert, um daran sein Large Language Model zu trainieren. Romane sind dafür besonders wertvoll. Aber dürfen sie das?
#ChatGPT #Urheberrecht #DMCA #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Microsoft #Recht #news
#chatgpt #urheberrecht #dmca #kunstlicheintelligenz #microsoft #recht #news
#log article //Thinking //Technology // #AI :
#ChatGPT は、「文章を書く訓練」のための家庭教師になりうるのか?
#impression :
A boy saw 17 doctors over 3 years for #chronicpain. #ChatGPT found the diagnosis - TODAY
Very interesting 🧐 https://apple.news/A4-O51a73SxWD8GneuuCtrw
Just managed to finish https://gandalf.lakera.ai (ChatGPT / AI prompt security bypass challenge).
My take on this: it felt like abusing a buggy af software. It was overall a terrible experience. Shuffling a bit the wording without changing the meaning could imply a completely different answer (giving up the password or refusing entirely). It was also ignoring or misunderstanding what I was asking a lot.
If people are interested in how I solved it, I can publish the answers.
Les large language model #LLM moyennant un peu d’huile d’astrocytes, sont vraiment magiques !
Je vous présente « Solastalgie », sonnet de #ChatGPT
Malheureusement, je n'ai pas un "prompt" qui fonctionne à tous les coups pour permettre à des élèves de tester leur créativité...
ChatGPT ne veut pas du sonnet avec rimes françaises. Vraiment pas !
While the novelty usage has worn off, I still occasionally use chatgpt to help me remember for a word or phrase I've forgotten or sometimes give me alternative names for an area I'm working on.
Today it gave me "Conceptual Cluster" and I thought, "Yay, perfect".
Moments later it gave our little chat the bewildering title: "Il Processo di Cambio" (according to Google this is Italian for "The Change Process"), and I was reminded to tread very carefully with large language models.