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#mastoaiuto #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #chatgpt3
I'm using #ChatGpt & #MidJourney to create an illustrated story together with my little boy, called 'Kroko Lewis'. Super fun for both of us to see his imagination come to life! These are the images for the first chapeters.
#AIart #NijiJourney #MidJourney5 #ChatGpt3 #AiStorytelling #AiStoryTime #DigitalArt #MidJourneyArt #AiImages #MidJourneyArt #AiArtists #art #DigitalArt #ArtistsOnMatsodon #FediArt
#chatgpt #midjourney #aiart #nijijourney #midjourney5 #chatgpt3 #aistorytelling #aistorytime #digitalart #midjourneyart #aiimages #aiartists #art #artistsonmatsodon #fediart #ai
Harnessing the Power of Generative AI
Unleash your creativity with the power of generative AI. Explore its potential on our blog and unlock new possibilities.
#tech #technology #technologies #AI #artificialintelligence #artificial_intelligence #artificialintelligencetechnology #openai #chatgpt #chatbot #chatgpt4 #chatgpt3 #bard #blog #blogger #blogpost #blogging #TechInsiderBuzz
#tech #technology #technologies #ai #artificialintelligence #artificial_intelligence #artificialintelligencetechnology #openai #chatgpt #chatbot #chatgpt4 #chatgpt3 #bard #blog #blogger #blogpost #blogging #techinsiderbuzz
Researchers estimated that the training of #ChatGPT3, the predecessor to this year’s #GPT4, emitted 552 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent—equal to more than three round-trip flights between San Francisco and New York. Total emissions likely are much higher, since that number only accounts for training #ChatGPT3 one time through.
#AI #climatechange @machinelearning
#climatechange #ai #gpt4 #chatgpt3
Researchers estimated that the training of #ChatGPT3, the predecessor to this year’s #GPT4, emitted 552 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent—equal to more than three round-trip flights between San Francisco and New York. Total emissions likely are much higher, since that number only accounts for training #ChatGPT3 one time through.
#climatechange #ai #gpt4 #chatgpt3
The Ambitious Goals of Artificial Intelligence: A Look Ahead
Discover the ambitious goals of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society. Learn more about the future of AI in our blog post.
#ai #artificalintelligence #tech #technologies #technology #openai #chatgpt #chatbot #machinelearning #chatgpt4 #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #chatgptai #future #artificialintelligence #society #medium #MeDm #techinsiderbuzz
#ai #artificalintelligence #tech #technologies #technology #openai #chatgpt #chatbot #machinelearning #chatgpt4 #chatgpt3 #chatgptai #future #artificialintelligence #society #medium #medm #techinsiderbuzz
‘Talk2Satoshi’ — Developer Launches Unique AI Chatbot Infused With Bitcoin Knowledge - In the midst of the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), a developer has... - https://news.bitcoin.com/talk2satoshi-developer-launches-unique-ai-chatbot-infused-with-bitcoin-knowledge/ #artificialintelligence #cryptoenthusiasts #talk2satoshi.com #bitcointalk.org #satoshinakamoto #cryptocurrency #chatplatform #blockchain #chatgpt3.5 #innovation #technology #bitcoin #chatbot #openai #news #ai
#ai #news #openai #chatbot #bitcoin #technology #innovation #chatgpt3 #blockchain #chatplatform #cryptocurrency #satoshinakamoto #bitcointalk #talk2satoshi #cryptoenthusiasts #artificialintelligence
J'aime bien le pousser dans ses limites, mais #ChatGPT3.5, c'est quand même un superbe outil très pratique !
En rappelant qu'il ne pourrait PAS exister sans un modèle OUVERT de connaissances.
Je complète donc :
Vivement la survenue de modèles libres open source pilotables par nous-mêmes.
Et vivement la survenue d'un monde meilleur (= ouvert et partagé).
"So I followed @GaryMarcus's suggestion and had my undergrad class use ChatGPT for a critical assignment. I had them all generate an essay using a prompt I gave them, and then their job was to "grade" it--look for hallucinated info and critique its analysis. *All 63* essays had hallucinated information. Fake quotes, fake sources, or real sources misunderstood and mischaracterized. Every single assignment."
#chatgpt3 #llm #students #teaching #hallucinations
i just discovered an open-source alternative to #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #chatgpt4 W'ITHOUT login account : #huggingchat from #huggingface company
It's very impressive for an open-source tool, not as efficient as chatgpt but if you want to support #opensource, just try it :
#chatgpt #chatgpt3 #chatgpt4 #huggingchat #huggingface #opensource
Why OpenAI’s ChatGPT Is Such A Big Deal https://youtu.be/pOmpqdlVCoo @Youtubeより
I'm a Japanese pharmacist and want to be the capable brain, but I think that the both medical and pharmaceutical knowledge of OpenAI is insufficient.
However, if AI continues to evolve, there will be the possibility that AI takes over the jobs of both physicians and pharmacists.
#ChatGPT #chatgpt3 #AI #Pharmacist #ArtificialIntelligence #OpenAI #MedicalAI
#medicalai #openai #artificialintelligence #pharmacist #ai #chatgpt3 #chatgpt
Why OpenAI’s ChatGPT Is Such A Big Deal https://youtu.be/pOmpqdlVCoo @Youtubeより
I'm a Japanese pharmacist and want to be the capable brain, but I think that the both medical and pharmaceutical knowledge of OpenAI is insufficient.
However, if AI continues to evolve, there will be the possibility that AI takes over the jobs of both physicians and pharmacists.
#ChatGPT #chatgpt3 #AI #Pharmacist #ArtificialIntelligence #OpenAI #MedicalAI
#MedicalAI #openai #artificialintelligence #pharmacist #ai #chatgpt3 #chatgpt
🤖L'#IntelligenceArtificielle est un outil puissant, mais son coût #écologique est énorme.
Le déploiement de l'#IA pourrait tripler l'empreinte #carbone du #numérique d'ici 2050. #chatgpt3 #environnement
Par @futurasciences 👇
#intelligenceartificielle #ecologique #ia #carbone #numerique #chatgpt3 #environnement
#llm is going to make the internet (even more) unusable, because it will inevitably start using its own output as input, and each search will just trigger an informationally useless singularity.
In my basic #history research, it's already almost faster to get dressed, drive to the library, search the stacks, and trawl indices than to sift through the junk #Google gives me.
Looking forward to the return of books!
#llm #history #google #ai #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #chatgpt3
In December, I quizzed ChatGPT on Go related topics. It did pretty poorly (watch here: https://youtu.be/OldZ3hAgsqQ).
Today I asked ChatGPT 4 the same questions. And I was blown away! It's SOOO much better now.
It still did make one pretty obvious mistake, but it corrected itself when challenged. I'm impressed.
I'll be posting the new video soon.
#golang #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #programming #Video
Bei der Entwicklung von #KI Tools (in 5 Monaten von #chatgpt3 zu #chatgpt4 und #AutoGPT) verliere ich die Hoffnung, dass Schulen auch nur annähernd damit Schritt halten können. Die Schere zwischen der Welt da draußen und in den Klassenräumen wid weiter aufgehen.
#ki #chatgpt3 #chatgpt4 #autogpt
Are you curious about the meeting of Chat GPT's CEO with Prime Minister Kishida? Don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite platforms so you don’t miss tomorrow’s episode.
#rorshokjapan #rorshok #Japan #japangram #beautyofjapan #japanese #japanculture #japanlife #podcast #update #tokyo #hiroshima #japanart #japantravel #japanesefood #japan_night_view #japanphoto #ceo #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #chatgpt4 #artificialintelligence #robot #google #dalle
#rorshokjapan #rorshok #japan #japangram #beautyofjapan #japanese #japanculture #japanlife #podcast #update #tokyo #hiroshima #japanart #japantravel #japanesefood #japan_night_view #japanphoto #ceo #chatgpt #chatgpt3 #chatgpt4 #artificialintelligence #robot #google #dalle