Can we already use 'AI-bros' as we use #cryptobros? Is it still too soon? #chatgptmania
Exploring New AI Features in Microsoft Edge, Including ChatGPT: A Video Overview #ai #chatgpt #EdgeAI #chatgptmania
#AI #chatgpt #edgeai #chatgptmania
"AI language models are notorious bullshitters, often presenting falsehoods as facts."
"Essentially, we—the users—are now doing the work of testing this technology for free. 'We’re all guinea pigs at this point.'"
#artificialintelligence #AI #ML #LLMs #searchengines #openAI #microsoft #bing #chatbot #chatgpt #chatgptmania
#artificialintelligence #AI #ml #LLMs #searchengines #openai #microsoft #bing #chatbot #chatgpt #chatgptmania
If only CatGPT could translate what these lovely friends are telling us.
#Caturday #catgpt #chatgptmania