Nicht erst seit #COVID19 ist klar, dass wir es Menschen in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen schuldig sind, benötigte #Impfstoffe und #Medikamente auch dort zugänglich zu machen. Aber es reicht nicht, gute Absichten zu formulieren. Es muss nachverfolgt werden, was tatsächlich erreicht wurde!
Diese Woche für das #BMZ auf Konferenz im #ChathamHouse London zur Frage, wie #AccesstoHealthcare/Zugang zu Gesundheitsversorgung, Impfstoffen und Medikamenten weltweit verbessert werden kann.
#COVID19 #impfstoffe #medikamente #bmz #chathamhouse #AccesstoHealthcare
World risks descending into a #climate ‘doom loop’, warn thinktanks
Institute for Public Policy Research (#IPPR) & #ChathamHouse, said a current example of the impact of the #climatecrisis complicating efforts to reduce #emissions and other action was the debate over whether keeping the global temperature rise below 1.5C – the international goal – was still possible.
Report says simply coping with escalating impacts of #climatechange could override tackling root cause
#climate #ippr #chathamhouse #climatecrisis #emissions #climatechange
Ukraine vs Russia: Exploring strengths and weaknesses
This event analyses the current state of both countries’ militaries, economies, and societies, and how various factors will influence the outcome.
As the war enters its winter phase, more change will come. Speakers assess Ukraine’s and Russia’s current – and inherent – strengths and weaknesses, and the risk and opportunities they offer.
#chathamhouse #internationalsecurity
Russia and China in Antarctica: Implications for the Five Eyes.
#chathamhouse #internationalsecurity #internationalaffairs
Russia’s war against Ukraine is having knock-on effects on Arctic cooperation and regional security – as seen, for instance, in the March 2022 decision by the members of the ‘Arctic 7’ to pause their participation in the Arctic Council. Given that Russia is set to chair the Arctic Council until the spring of 2023, the other coastal Arctic states must reassess security and military issues in the region.
#chathamhouse #internationalrelations
Russian imperial mindset must change for real victory
Getting Russians to look upon their neighbours as equals requires widescale self-reassessment in a post-Putin Russia
The Russian imperial itch is so deeply embedded, it must be excised not just from Russian capability but from the intention and mindset of elites and in the popular imagination. That is hard to achieve when so many believe in it as fervently as a religion.
#chathamhouse #internationalaffairs
The response to debt distress in Africa and the role of China
A global approach is the only way to tackle debt distress in Africa.
This will require strategic cooperation between China, the West and African nations.
#chathamhouse #internationalaffairs
Building global prosperity- Proposals for sustainable growth (research paper).
The paper assesses prospects for reform, including for the creation of alternative institutions. It considers several critical sectors – healthcare, climate policy and digital infrastructure – and presents proposals for change. Ultimately, an inclusive approach to development that emphasizes co-creation and accountability may be essential.
#chathamhouse #internationalaffairs
#ChathamHouse #podcast Joining Bronwen Maddox is @OzKaterji , war correspondent & freelance #journalist who in early stages of the Syrian uprising reported on the brutality of the regime of Bashar al-Assad from neighbouring Lebanon & Turkey & covered the role played by Russia's armed forces in the conflict. Having written extensively on Middle East, in January of this year he journeyed to #Ukraine, where he was present in Kyiv on February 24th as Russia began invasion
#chathamhouse #podcast #journalist #ukraine
There are still many organizations missing here. Hope #Chathamhouse is going to make the move soon.
The #anthropocene is here. What does that mean for humanity?