"Family policing abolitionists are making the long overdue case that the child welfare system is perniciously entangled with other carceral state systems like immigration enforcement and the criminal punishment system.[vi] But what is often left out of these narratives is that the family itself is a state institution, and it functions as a part of, not an externality to, carceral systems."
#FamilyAbolition #ChildWelfareSystem #CarceralState #ChattelSlavery #patriarchy #ChildrensRights
#familyabolition #childwelfaresystem #carceralstate #chattelslavery #patriarchy #childrensrights
@genxjamerican @saschasegan @celset2 @jacobrogers256 #Racism was very deliberately created by wealthy planters to prevent white indentured servants from uniting with Black ones. Later they introduced #chattelslavery only for Africans & #ados. #slavery #inequality It continues.
#racism #chattelslavery #ados #slavery #inequality
"In 1852, California passed and enforced a fugitive slave law that was harsher than the federal fugitive slave law and made the state more hospitable to slavery than other states."
#chattelslavery #discriminationtoday #reparationsnow
#reparationsnow #discriminationtoday #chattelslavery
Government technology is a collective name for the tools that governments use to control resistance, rebellion, and revolution. Laws, police, courts, schools, central banks, prisons, executions, etc. are examples.(1)
It's fruitful to consider historical trends in wealth inequality as a function of how effective government technology is at the time. That is, rather than seeing social, cultural, economic factors as drivers, assume that the ruling class will take as much as they can without provoking uncontrollable resistance. The more inequality the more fierce the resistance and so the more effective government technology must be to maintain stability.
They never take less than they can for moral reasons. They never return anything unless they're forced to. American slavery, the limiting case of wealth inequality, didn't end because people finally realized it was evil. Everyone already knew it was evil. It ended because there was no way to maintain it in the face of massive resistance, both by slaves and, in the form of the civil war, by capitalists with enough foresight to see that capitalism was unsustainable if slavery was allowed to continue.(2) If they'd had sufficiently effective government technology slavery would never have ended. If they somehow develop it again they'll start enslaving people immediately.(3)
TLDR Riots work.
1. I learned about government technology from Steve Gallo's essential work on Gilded Age urban parks and commoning, in particular Parks Over Pasture: Enclosing the Commons in Postbellum New Orleans (https://doi.org/10.1017/S1537781421000566)
2. Steven Hahn's The Political Worlds of Slavery and Freedom is very good on the effects of slave rebellion and resistance on abolition. (https://www.worldcat.org/title/244628661).
3. The effectiveness of government tech isn't only intrinsic. It's a function not only of the intrinsic capabilities of the tools but also of the people being controlled. Government technology grows ineffective over time as its victims learn to thwart it. At one point the US government had sufficiently effective government tech to control literal slaves. It stopped working in mid-19th Century, but not because anyone got nice.
#Slavery #ChattelSlavery #SteveGallo #StevenHahn #GovernmentTechnology #Capitalism #Anarchism #SlaveRebellion
#slavery #chattelslavery #stevegallo #stevenhahn #governmenttechnology #capitalism #anarchism #slaverebellion
Let me
on #ChattelSlavery https://youtu.be/GrYRPLy6g2g
I'm continually surprised at the quality of southern slavery-apologist criticism of economic theories about free markets and labor. EG here's George Fitzhugh on Adam Smith:
"He saw only that prosperous and progressive portion of society whom liberty or free competition benefitted, and mistook its effects on them for its effects on the world."
There are a lot of books like this from the time that combine really incisive criticism of claims that free laborers were actually free with utterly psychopathic defenses of the most brutal form of slavery the world has ever known. Here's the source:
#Slavery #ChattelSlavery #GeorgeFitzhugh #SociologyForTheSouth #AdamSmith #FreeLabor
#slavery #chattelslavery #georgefitzhugh #sociologyforthesouth #adamsmith #freelabor
A note to myself on the relative invisibility of policing in contemporary capitalism.
#PoliceAbolition #Slavery #ChattelSlavery #Policing #SlavePatrols #PolicePower #StateViolence #Anarchism
#policeabolition #slavery #chattelslavery #policing #slavepatrols #policepower #stateviolence #anarchism
> #VictorHugo #exclaimed in a burst of reverential passion: “John Brown is grander than George Washington!”..
> His calmness upon the gallows was awe-inspiring; his exaltation supreme.
> #OldJohnBrown is not dead. His soul still marches on, and each passing year weaves new garlands for his brow and adds fresh luster to his deathless glory.
> Who shall be the #JohnBrown of #WageSlavery?
#EugeneDebs #ChattelSlavery #slavery
#slavery #chattelslavery #EugeneDebs #wageslavery #JohnBrown #OldJohnBrown #exclaimed #victorhugo