As the Stone Age covers around 99% of our human technological history, it would seem there is a lot to talk about when looking at the development of tools in this period. #History #ChauvetCave #Denisovan #HomoErectus
#homoerectus #denisovan #chauvetcave #History
As the Stone Age covers around 99% of our human technological history, it would seem there is a lot to talk about when looking at the development of tools in this period. #History #ChauvetCave #Denisovan #HomoErectus
#homoerectus #denisovan #chauvetcave #History
@seakit #ChauvetCave paintings (of which I learned thanks to Werner #Herzog) along with the images from the #jwst are the most amazing things I ever have seen. OK, and cats.
Let’s just take a moment to gush about how good Paleolithic art is. Some of the earliest artworks humans made were experiments with animation. Imaging this image by flickering firelight and the effect must have been pretty profound, even by today’s standards. And the drawing technique is pretty beautiful too. #PaleolithicArt #ChauvetCave #ArtHistory
#arthistory #chauvetcave #paleolithicart