Lysanne Larose Ceramics · @AtelierLarose
17 followers · 33 posts · Server

A tea bowl from my last firing. I'll be keeping this one.

#functionalart #ceramics #clayart #teabowl #chawan #pottery #ceramic

Last updated 1 year ago

maiji · @maiji
212 followers · 452 posts · Server

Today is ! Here's a bowl of I recently enjoyed on the weekend. I've been having the same thing pretty much every morning lately! I'd just opened the container that day, and the fresh colour was so delightful that it made me extra happy and I took photos of it. A light foaminess perfect with a bit of creamy White Rabbit candy.

Tea: Daigyo Cafe's Spring of Fuji sourced from Shizuoka šŸµ
Chawan: my beloved Burpy šŸ˜Š

#chawan #teabowl #tea #matcha #internationalteaday

Last updated 1 year ago

Alex · @frgt
11 followers · 65 posts · Server

outro dia, outro matcha.

hoje temos o matcha diferente, da cultivar KyĆ“ken-283 de Wazuka regiĆ£o do JapĆ£o, que comprei na Thes du Japon. honestamente, esta Ć© a primeira vez que experimento esta cultivar, por isso nĆ£o sei bem o que esperar :)
tudo comeƧa com baixo sabor a menta e ervas, fluindo para o sabor as batatas novos e deixando quase nenhum gosto residual, apenas umami puro. parece um bom matcha para uso diƔrio (~8 EUR/20g).


#tea #matcha #chawan #wazuka #kyoken283

Last updated 2 years ago

Kctman · @kctman
17 followers · 3 posts · Server

Various in my collection. Not bad for someone in Kansas. Thought it made an interesting photo.


Last updated 2 years ago

Alex · @frgt
11 followers · 58 posts · Server

Ide, Uji-hikari, harvest of May 2022, TDJ.
Loved it so much today, that I only took a photo of the second bowl, after savoring the first one :goha_clapping:

A bit salty and grassy start with a tad of seaweed, similar to the feeling when you just opened a packet of roasted pistachios. Then the taste moves to azuki beans and salty roasted peanuts. Finally, the last creamy notes leave your palate and you just want another full of the umami youā€™ve just drunk.

#matcha #chawan

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex · @frgt
6 followers · 30 posts · Server

Mas quero partilhar alguma coisa... este Ć© o meu favorito - feito de loiƧa preta de Molelos. Para minha vergonha, sĆ³ recentemente aprendi sobre este tipo de loiƧa.


Last updated 2 years ago

IronWynch · @IronWynch
111 followers · 1388 posts · Server

I'm not much into tropical astrology, but you know how it's said that Geminis hook people up because it's just as good for us to get other people to shag as to shag ourselves? Well turns out I'm like that with marketing. I admit it. In my wildest dreams I am a content pimp, but one of those cool ones who doesn't take your money. Y'all just break me off some because y'all love me. I now even have my version of the gold goblet: a kintsugi'ed rice festival tea bowl.

#kintsugi #chawan

Last updated 2 years ago

IronWynch · @IronWynch
107 followers · 1543 posts · Server

I'm not much into tropical astrology, but you know how it's said that Geminis hook people up because it's just as good for us to get other people to shag as to shag ourselves? Well turns out I'm like that with marketing. I admit it. In my wildest dreams I am a content pimp, but one of those cool ones who doesn't take your money. Y'all just break me off some because y'all love me. I now even have my version of the gold goblet: a kintsugi'ed rice festival tea bowl.

#kintsugi #chawan

Last updated 2 years ago