#Chaykin's #AmericanFlagg #2 really keeps the information dense, heavily political, kinda pessimistic but innovative and exciting #cyberpunk energy going. Simply some of the best #comicbooks I've read, and like an onion it has layers to its depths. #art + #story do not misstep.
#story #Art #comicbooks #CyberPunk #americanflagg #chaykin
Today I only got through one book in my #reading time, but what a #comicbook it was! #Chaykin's #AmericanFlagg #1 one hell of a prescient #cyberpunk story, feat. dense media saturated narrative which predicted tech like #deepfakes replacing actors to tazerknuckles seen on Tiktok.
#deepfakes #CyberPunk #americanflagg #chaykin #comicbook #Reading
First obscure book in the Fs...
The #FafhrdandtheGrayMouser #books by #FritzLeiber are awesome reads. This specific issue from #Marvel #EpicComics has some great people involved: #Chaykin, #Mignola. Good book.
#fafhrdandthegraymouser #books #fritzleiber #marvel #epiccomics #chaykin #mignola #comics #comicbooks