"Everything #Chazal said about the virtue of living in Eretz Yisrael, they only said because Eretz Yisrael is generally a place that is outstanding in chochmah and yiras cheit (outstanding in wisdom and fear of sin)...
It goes without saying that when the Meiri writes “every place that is metzuyan b’chochmah v’yiras cheit has the status of Eretz Yisrael,” he doesn’t mean this literally. ... there are important distinctions that exist..."
Every year during #Chanukah we read the parshiot in the #torah about the story of Yosef. And the #talmud in masaechet #Shabbat (22a) juxtaposes the laws of chanukah with the episode of the brothers throwing Yosef in the pit. It seems #Chazal want us to connect Yosef to Chanuka, but what is the lesson? That is less clear, what do you think? #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#chanukah #torah #talmud #shabbat #chazal #mazeldon #jewdiverse