Twitter has revoked API access for #CheapBotsDoneQuick, killing thousands of creative bots & even making it impossible to login to retrieve source for lost bots.
Luckily I ported my own crappy #CBDQ twitter bot over to Mastodon last week via #CheapBotsTootSweet. The flow of nonsensical #BuffyTheVampireSlayer plots will not be interrupted:
#buffy #cbts #twitterbots #creativebots #bots #buffythevampireslayer #cheapbotstootsweet #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick
Elon Musk's Twitter 2.0 claims yet another victim, this time a beloved tool for making creative bots.
#bots #CreativeBots #TwitterBots #Twitter #CBDQ #CheapBotsDoneQuick
#bots #creativebots #twitterbots #twitter #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick
Hello all!
I love crossovers, so the purpose of this bot is to take two (or more) random fictional characters and pit them against one another in various fashions ... I used to do this over on the bird site, but I guess they're making it so that #cheapbotsdonequick won't be around for much longer, so I'm taking my business elsewhere:
#cheapbotsdonequick #myfirsttoot
Does anyone know how to debug a bot? Asking for a fellow member.
#bots #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick #tracery #botally
I had a bird bot that ran through #CheapBotsDoneQuick. Could I just copy/paste the JSON into #CheapBotsTootSweet and it's up in the fediverse? #botALLY
#cheapbotsdonequick #cheapbotstootsweet #botally
Has anyone figured out how to migrate #CBDQ bots to Mastodon yet? I'll be disappointed if I lose the one I've been running:
Since is defunct, I resurrected it on #CheapBotsDoneQuick as! (CC
Apparently SVG2 has some kind of possibility for z-layer atrributes using CSS, but last I tried CSS/SVG didn't work in #CheapBotsDoneQuick
Challenge: this on #CheapBotsDoneQuick with Tracery and SVG #botALLY
RT For a more recent take, check out this from on multiscale Truchet patterns:
I can't seem to get this JavaScript working correctly with #cheapbotsdonequick or #cheapbotstootsweet ... It's supposed to either detect the dimensions of an image and set the SVG to that; or AJAX in the image, detect the size, and add it as the xlink:href of the image tag.... Inline it would break at the functions {}'s, imported it won't manipulate the Dom/AttributeNS....
#cheapbotsdonequick #cheapbotstootsweet