A 46-oz Steinfeld's pickle jar painted black with one line masked out for viewing the food through the side: a great bean pot in the #solaroven! Frijoles de la olla del sol. I could have used a traditional bean pot (olla de barro) as long as it's dark colored on the outside, but I don't have one, and I did have this.
Looks kinda weird but they turned out extremely tender with no split #beans or tough skins, and the broth is delicious (I brined the beans overnight first). Also no electricity, gas, or wood, and no stirring or checking needed. Dry beans are the cheapest high protein food (#vegan and otherwise!) , but few people cook them because it takes so long and uses a lot of energy. A great choice for #solarcooking to #feedtheworld. #diy #solar #cheapfood #solarpunk
#solaroven #beans #Vegan #solarCooking #feedtheworld #DIY #Solar #cheapfood #solarpunk
GOD BLESS "MERICA": A #Kentucky town of less than 1,500 has six different dollar stores....
#WorldNews #News #USA #Business #Economy #DollarStores #CheapFood #DollarGeneral #FamilyDollar #Inflation #Poverty
#poverty #inflation #familydollar #dollargeneral #cheapfood #dollarstores #economy #business #usa #news #worldnews #kentucky
There's a webshop in Sweden selling discarded food. Not discarded as in bad, but discarded as in soon-to-expire and in odd stock and odd sizes. It's cheaper, but sometimes...
...just sometimes...
...you miscalculate how big the package you order will be. This is for me and The Offspring.
#cheapfood #artistlife #thrifty #ketchup
Maruchan noodles, bag of mixed vegetables, some beef bouillon cubes and one egg. This is my fancy homemade ramen.
#hateCooking #cheapFood
I'm definitely eating one of those Banquet microwavable salisbury steak meals and I love it.
Got a head of cabbage over two weeks ago for next to nothing and today I'm tackling the final bit of it. I've been having thinly sliced cabbage prepared in several different ways, mostly with rice noodles but also in soup, fried... Could have made cabbage wraps!
It is so fucking good. And it's so cheap. And it's green/purple/red and when you add it to predominantly beige cheap and quick foods, it feels More Like Food
Hecking cabbage! Brassica oleracea, vegetable royalty!
#food #budgetcooking #cheapfood #cabbage
Try my Air fried roast chicken
#nutrition #cooking #healthy #cheapfood
#nutrition #cooking #healthy #cheapfood
Articolone che spiega il costo umano associato agli allevamenti intensivi negli US.
Per avere carne e altri prodotti animali a buon mercato si sfruttano i lavoratori (spesso immigrati) senza alcuna garanzia.
È uno dei costi nascosti del #cheapfood, uno dei pilastri del #capitalocene
Hear me out:
Rice Pudding - it's amazing. You can have it hot or cold. Sweet or savory.
Add some sour cherry jam to warm rice pudding, trust me. It's delicious.
Also, only 24p a tin from Tescos 😉
#foodie #cheapfood #budgetfood #dessert