„Cheat Days“ schaden dem Immunsystem. Fettreiche Ernährung macht uns kurzfristig anfälliger für Infektionen. #Ernaehrung #CheatDay #Immunsystem #Junkfood #Diaet
#ernaehrung #cheatday #immunsystem #junkfood #diaet
#cheatday klingt so negativ. Deswegen habe ich heute #massephase Tag 😌
#Ansichtssache #massephase #cheatday
#breakfast pretzels
#lunch and #dinner subway coupons
#livingwell is going for a drive in the mountains in the new car
#livingwell #dinner #lunch #breakfast #cheatday
Jetzt steht #kochen an. #Kartoffelpü muss sein. Dazu gibt es den sehr günstigen #geretteten #Spargel. Vorhin bin ich echt in #Versuchung geraten. Stand ewig vor der #Theke und habe die #Merguez angestarrt. Bin aber #Standhaft geblieben und das #Essen ist wenigstens #vegetarisch. Den Spargel werde ich zusammen mit #Tomatenscheiben mit #Parmesan überbacken. Das ist genug #Cheatday für mich.
#cheatday #parmesan #tomatenscheiben #vegetarisch #essen #standhaft #merguez #theke #Versuchung #spargel #geretteten #kartoffelpu #kochen
C. Is a bolt gun to the head painless and without suffering? Sure it's better than #kosher or #halal (right? 🙃 https://www.isahalal.com/news-events/blog/why-halal-slaughter-humane ) but is it completely painless and without suffering? Wouldn't a philosopher with 50 years of ethics and morality experience question this assumption of a 'painless kill'? Is one second of pain equivalent to no pain? Does that mean one punch in the face for a second is ok?
D. Are they really 'allies'? Or are they 'enemies'? Are they more aligned with an omnivore or a #vegan? Who would they associate and connect with more? Is this whole baby step/stepping stone/ #MeatlessMonday situation just a tokenistic way to make people feel better about themselves without doing much about anything (a #CheatDay or 4, per week, is allowed right? Right?). Where are all these allies, 50 years worth, of people, switching over to realising what they are doing is cruel to the animal? Wouldn't 50 years of baby steps from Princeton, be enough to reach Melbourne by now?
3/n 🧵
#vegans #veganism #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights #VeganRant #VeganForTheCheatDays
#kosher #halal #vegan #MeatlessMonday #cheatday #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights #veganrant #veganforthecheatdays
It's #CheatDay and I don't know what I want to eeeaaat. Part of me wants to go to the mall, but that's like a 30 minute drive, but if I stayed around here I could just do waffles. I just, like, want all the foods.
E fu cosi che nacque il #CheatDay. 😆
Entschieden… der kommende Sonntag ist ein #CheatDay
* Cheat Day:
Cheat Day bedeutet wörtlich „Schummel-Tag“. Der Begriff bezieht sich auf Diäten oder Trainingsphasen, während denen man genau auf seine Ernährung achtet. An einem Tag in der Woche wird aber „geschummelt“ und auch Ungesundes, wie Burger oder Schokolade, oder mehr gegessen.
Super Bowl Weekend = Cheat Weekend! Muss auch mal sein …
#abnehmen #superbowl #cheatday #cmm #superbowllvii
#abnehmen #superbowl #cheatday #cmm #superbowllvii
#WeightLoss tip: Maybe you shouldn't obsess over the scale every day! I'm trying something new to see how it goes:
#diet #eatingdisorder #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #ketoweightloss #weightlossgoals #weightlossinspiration #weightlosssupport #myweightlossjourney #weightlossdiary #weightlossstory #weightlosstips #adhd #food #CheatDay #cheatmeal #carnivorediet
#weightloss #diet #eatingdisorder #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #ketoweightloss #weightlossgoals #weightlossinspiration #weightlosssupport #myweightlossjourney #weightlossdiary #weightlossstory #weightlosstips #adhd #food #cheatday #cheatmeal #carnivorediet
GM Fediverse, decided to take a cheat day today from my #intermittentfasting , curious to see how I behave 🤔 #fastingforhealth #cheatday #feelgood
#intermittentfasting #fastingforhealth #cheatday #feelgood
Weight loss was a mother fucker for me until I FINALLY learned to enjoy the suffering and lack of energy at times to make it fucking stick.
Now, here I am. Still about 25 pounds to go, but I've got you now, mother fucker.
#MentalMastery #weightlossadvice #weightlosssuccess #losefat #type2diabetes #CarnivoreDiet #keto #lowcarb #lchf #mentalhealth #metabolicsyndrome #metabolichealth #cheatmeal #CheatDay #fatfast #bulletproofcoffee #WeightLoss
#mentalmastery #weightlossadvice #weightlosssuccess #losefat #type2diabetes #carnivorediet #keto #lowcarb #lchf #mentalhealth #metabolicsyndrome #metabolichealth #cheatmeal #cheatday #fatfast #bulletproofcoffee #weightloss