We should call it #CheatGPT.
It steals our works but gives no credit or compensation.
Attention people, #chatGPT cheats at hangman!
#ai #cheatGPT #justforfun
#chatgpt #ai #cheatgpt #justforfun
CheatGPT, Abi-Schummel und das Problem der Autor*innenschaft
Die Debatte um Abitur-Schummel mit ChatGPT betrifft im Kern die Unklarheit der Autor*innenschaft von KI-Texten sowie der Kontrolle in Prüfungen. Das Problem des Nachweis von Täuschungsversuchen aufgrund von Konstrukten wie „individueller, eigenständiger Leistung“ verweist auf die Überkommenheit der Prüfungskultur in einer digitalen Medienlandschaft.
#abischummel #chatgpt #cheatgpt #prufungen #digitalisierung
Gekko lanceert CheatGPT!
Creatief boekhouden, powered by AI.
Verlaag je belasting met onze nieuwste tool, zodat je altijd zo min mogelijk belasting betaald.
A thoughtful article of why certain students are using #ChatGPT as #CheatGPT although they shouldn’t. A careful drafted text requires analytical capabilities, consistency in argumentation, and truthful reporting. Apparently, these capabilities are not built into transformer networks such as ChatGPT as users complain about sometimes blatantly wrong responses. But students should acquire exactly those competencies!
“Don’t Blame Students for Using ChatGPT to Cheat”
#ChatGPT is just doing what people with power have been doing since forever: pretending their ideas are original, when what they're really doing is reinforcing and entrenching the #StatusQuo.
This isn't new, and those of us outside the #patriarchy have known how to recognize it all along.
It's #gaslighting, now #automated
#chatgpt #statusquo #patriarchy #gaslighting #automated #ai #machinelearning #cheatgpt
Am I missing something or he is trying to throw some dust in our eyes? #chatgpt #abolishAI #mentalhealth #cheatgpt
#chatgpt #abolishai #mentalhealth #cheatgpt