#FirstLinesWednesday #FirstLinesThursday ?!
“I feel my need fracture like innocence. Delicate as a fever-chill—as the hot flush of blood that rushes beneath the cold rime of my skin—I buck, and I crack across my chest.”
#CheatingWithTwoLines #WIP #AmWriting #RePost #GeeItsToughToPickTheRightInstance
#firstlineswednesday #firstlinesthursday #cheatingwithtwolines #wip #amwriting #repost #geeitstoughtopicktherightinstance
“I feel my need fracture like innocence. Delicate as a fever-chill—as the hot flush of blood that rushes beneath the cold rime of my skin—I buck, and I crack across my chest.”
#amwriting #wip #cheatingwithtwolines #firstlineswednesday